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          "Would you like to come and come you will"
              "would you like to come and come you will"

                               It continued to sing.

My skin turned into a playground for goosebumps. They ravaged my body, inducing bone numbing chills. I turned slowly to see the most beautiful female ever.

Her smile gave me a feeling that sent fear and joy slithering down my nervous system. Her dress flowed to the ground, giving her a Cinderella look, her white dress shimmering in the moonlight.

      Sitting on a bench outside the church, she motioned me to sit with her. I hesitated, watching the sky, a sense of foreboding stifling the atmosphere.

The moon had now danced partially into the smothering claws of the dark clouds.  I wondered why it would leave so soon.

     "You are obviously in love with the moon. I see. " She quipped, keenly observing my moonlight obsession.

Her eyes smiled, but her face contoured into a smirk, her lips squeezed at the center.  I nodded in agreement as I stole another glance at the moon.

     Pulling my eyes away from the moon for a minute, I stared at the spot her finger pointed at.
A serious deliberation ensued in my head, a commotion erupted at the back of my mind. The good and bad cops began competing on my next move.

I thought hard about stepping back into the church, but swiftly fought against it. I was curious, I just needed to know who this lady was.
I voted against the good cop and took the spot offered to me by the lady.

          "Do you always smile like this?" I began, pointing at her emotionless expression.

She flashed a quick frown at me but looked away instantly, burying the tension that was threatening to strangle me. She put up another smile, forcing my mind to run in circles.

          "As you can see, I don't bite. Don't be afraid."

         "But, why are you walking the night? And with a gorgeous gown as yours?" I probed. Ignoring her unfruitful effort to calm me.

When she beamed her eyes on me again,  her eyes did not blink nor shift. They were just fixed on me. Probing me, digging into my head.

I shoveled few inches away from her. Yet, she kept watching,  searching, accessing every fiber in me. I shuddered again, rubbing my hands through the length of my arm.

          "Who are you?" I asked.

An image was building up in my head. A sense of acknowledgement that we must have crossed paths in another timeline. 

           "You sure have a ton of questions."

Then, She lowered her gaze to her feet and I followed through, staring at some invisible thing on the ground.

The feel of her chilled palm on the nape of my neck broke me into multiple pieces, sending multiple shocks through my every nerve.

Somewhere in my head, her voice gently asked me to look into her eyes, my head slowly lifted up, my eyes locking with hers.
She smiled again. A void evident in her eyes. A twist of rage building up in the depth of her soul.

My eyes blinked repeatedly, when I focused back on her, she still plastered her fake smile solidly on her face while haunting my mind.

          A steam brew had established between us, a misty vapor filling my being. I was making a connection that felt alien, out of this world.

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