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Irritated by his actions, I moved dangerously towards him. Digging my fingers into the back of his neck,  I pulled him down.
With his body on the floor, he chuckled and relaxed on his back, closing his eyes. Calm, unperturbed.

At this point I was vibrating, something was fighting to keep me calm, another part of me wanted to fight so bad.

My fingers balled in a fist. I just wanted to punch his smooth smirking face till they were crumpled, just to prove to him that his elevated office meant nothing to me.

Reading my thoughts, he slowly opened his eyes and stared at me intently,
      "You are in a fight for your life. Deep spiritual and physical transactions have been made over you. If you don't get yourself and destiny fixed, sorrow, I mean lots of pain will follow."

He paused as though he heard some alien voice. Fixing his eyes on me , he began to speak again. 
          "You are a vessel that is neither here nor there. A robot in the hands of your operators. Your realm is calling. A call unto chaos and destruction. Don't wait to be activated."

His eyes shuttered again.
        " You can now hit me if you so wish." He finished, making himself comfortable on the floor.

         I couldn't say which one infuriated me most. His stupid prophecy of doom, or his unperturbed countenance. And just like that, an involuntary blow left my hand and hit his fine boy nose.
He let out a scream curling himself up. A splash of blood sprayed over his damaged face.
I felt as one watching my body overtaken by something bigger, stronger, invisible.

I wanted to stop but something was in charge. A surge that rendered my mind and will useless.

            In my minds eye, I watched whatever took over me go deadly on its prey. I  pounced and hit him multiple times over. The more I punched him, the merrier my heart got.
         "Goat!" I shouted.
Another kick left my legs and hit him in the back. He groaned, but never fought back.

           A team member spotted us and rushed to his rescue, lifting him off the floor. His face bloodied.
I didn't wait to see the amount of damage I'd caused.  I sprinted off, wiping my bloody hands on my shirt.
I sped past the crowd of people going about their business around the Church campus. They seemed to pay me no attention.
As I ran, I looked over my shoulders, still no one gave a chase.

It began to look suspicious racing like a bolt of lightening in the midst of people who mingled without a care in the world. My Footsteps slowed as I got to main campus entrance.
Security was already on standby waiting. Someone must have called it in. I sighed, knowing that it was just too good to be true that I could escape from this place.

         "Keep Your hands in the air ma'am!" One of them instructed.
My hands went up immediately in surrender.

      The younger of the two security officers rushed and grabbed me from behind, squeezing my hands tightly and cuffed them.
I struggled to get on my feet, but the other officer possessed by some devil,  pinned me down and placed me on choke hold.

I calmed down hoping he will release me, but he kept the pressure on, gradually knocking the wind out of me.

My eye lids closed involuntary. I was already moving to the other side, when a lady appeared in my sight of vision.
Her appearance almost like that of my mother, but a younger version of her.

           "You have powers at your finger tips. Why are you not using it."
           "Powers? What powers?" I asked ignorantly.

Instead, she smiled. "You must have realized by now, you are not like everyone else. Use what is deposited in you to maim your oppressors now!"
            "But, I.....I don't know how." I stammered.

            "Search within you. But, You must want it, harness it, and finally use it. Time is running out." Her floating body glowed in a burble of crimson light.

She wasn't making any sense, I thought.
         "If there was some power some where, why couldn't she use it to help me?"
         "You must call it into use. It's yours, not mine." She replied, accessing my mind. I frowned.
         "I can do no evil." I retorted.
Her voice smiled in my head.
         "You already have."

Copious amounts of saliva began to escape my mouth, distracting me from the lady. My airway was gradually getting blocked.
Weakly, I pleaded with the officer to let me go, but instead he hit me on the head, sending me further into oblivion.

            "If you don't fight, you will die here in exactly three minutes. Your death clock is ticking!" The lady warned, hovering in the sky observing the event below.
     Deep metallic taste in my mouth alerted me that blood had swapped places with saliva. My mouth oozed out my own blood as I laid down there dying.

Crowd of people gathered in clusters whispering to themselves. I thought about the officer, I didn't want to hurt him to death, but to teach him a lesson that won't be forgotten easily.

With all my strength, I focused on my pain. A playing field appeared in my mind.
        "Choose a punishment." A voice spoke.

Series of  colored buttons appeared on a clustered trees in a plain rain forest. I pushed on the one that allied with my needs.

And with the strength of my mind, I willed that officer paralyzed waist down. 
In a blink of an eye, an unknown force threw the officer off me, thrusting him  on the concrete statue of pastor Adrian's frame.

He bounced off the pavement with a loud crack.

    His legs rotated 180 degrees backwards, altering his body alignment. His toes aligned with his back while his heel faced his front. He laid there lifeless, unable to move.
The paramedics arrived in a haste and transported him to the campus hospital. I looked up to see my instigator smiling meanly.

      "That was a good sacrifice. Mother would be pleased." She beamed.
      "What  mother?" I thought back.
     "Time to run!" She warned, and poof! She was gone.  My answer gone with her.

Distracted by the unfolding events, the crowd temporarily forgot about me.  I quietly walked out from their midst unidentified.

As if in a drunken state,  my legs wobbled, my throat parched. I stilled myself. I inhaled deeply, gulping air.  When my head stopped swirling and foot strong, I bolted like the speed of lightening and ran for my life.

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