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Finishing up with the two humans I found in my office, I handed them over to the prayer team who were already on standby.

         "Is she still there?" I asked my father over the phone, letting him see the question in my mind.
        "Yes, she just got here."

        "Interesting." I muttered.

        " Why?" He probed.

        "Has she been there all day?" I asked ignoring his own question.

My dad let out a groan before he returned to the phone. The picture of what he does when people frustrate him on the phone was imprinted in my mind.

           "All is well?" He asked again.

I cleared my throat heaving a sigh. My mouth was just too pregnant to speak. Things were happening at a pace much faster than I could comprehend.

         "Dad, this one is just too heavy to say, but I will be coming over there shortly. I still have a 1pm counseling later. Hopefully that would be the last one for the day."

           "Alright, see you later?"

           "Yes, we will see when I get back. Say me hi to mum if you get to talk to her before I do."
            "Okay, later then." He hung up.

         Later, I took few minutes to attend the 'other' Unique's counseling session with my father's team. I sat there staring at her suspiciously, still not giving away the fact there were two other people who suddenly decided to take her face.

I was there for only about twenty minutes gathering as much information as possible.
Pastor Kevin's presence left an uneasy feelings in my heart. I could no longer ignore the visions I'd been having about him.

Still burdened by the recent development surrounding my last deliverance session, I raced back to my office to pray.

As soon as I stepped in, I  flung my self on the floor, praying. "Lord what is going on?" I kept asking until another knock came on the door.

It was Gbenga again. He'd joined the prayer team, praying for the identical looking Unique's.
I raced to the door, A worried expression on his face described my day was yet to get a dose of reality.

            "They turned again!"
I unconsciously hit him on the shoulder. "You don't say!"

He nodded. "Remember the twin sisters in the choir?"

           "Janice and Jessica?"  I offered.
           "Gbam! That's the most recent faces. They swear they were the ones who made the appointment to see you. Even their parents confirmed it."

            "So what now happened?"

            "They explained that as soon as the secretary gave them their number card, A shawl fell over them and they can't seem to remember what happened next."

         Instantly, I remembered my battle with the lady of the night. Remembering how God used me to wriggle Unique out of her claws.
I must have added a twig in her plans. Maybe even halted or delayed her operations.

            "But why Unique?" I asked Bro Gbenga who seemed clueless about my opinion. He simply stared back, muttering some intermittent prayers.

Either she was planning a more sinister move or she was plain out for revenge. At this point all I had experienced were her 'seen' forces. I wondered what the 'unseen' would look and feel like.

I followed Bro Gbenga to see the twins who were now in the custody of the prayer team. My footsteps stopped halfway as I glanced over at the reception. There was nobody there.
Gbenga following my gaze began to speak. "Looking for her?"
I nodded.
Well, nobody had seen her since after the prayers.

        "This is a joke right?" I asked, walking across the open hall towards the reception.
         "I am serious." Pointing at the people in the open area. "None of them had seen her lately."

Nearing the boot, I sighted the receptionist with bags of groceries in her hands. Gbenga rushed towards her and picked up two of the bags that had slided off her hands.

         "That is just too much for one person to carry." I thought, watching her exhale in relief.

        "I am sorry sir." The young lady was saying, almost kneeling in contrition.
I waved her off, grabbing the groceries from her and gently placing them on her desk.

           "I should have told you I wouldn't be coming in early this morning." She continued.  I looked at her in surprise. Gbenga and I exchanged shocked expressions.

           "So who manned the phone this morning?"

She looked at me awkwardly. "This is me coming into this campus today. And remember I shop for the pastors offices on Saturdays." She pointed to the groceries on her desk, "That's where I am coming from."

A perplexed whooshing breath left my lungs, I rubbed my tempo to elicit calm. "You mean we never spoke on the phone today?"

Her head shook. "I have been at the market all day."

          "Jesus!" Bro Gbenga gasped. He turned to me and asked. " Who exactly did we pray for?"
A cold sensation ran through my entire body, I shivered. Dropping the remaining groceries on the desk, I turned to stick my gaze at Miss Joy.

           "We didn't speak at all today?" I asked pensively.
  A confused "No."  left her lips."

  As if a buzz went off in my head, I flew over the table. And there lay another version of our receptionist.
Stone dead.      

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