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When they went back in, there was a meal waiting to be eaten right on top of the dinner table. Everyone cheered some of them even ran to the table.
Y/n walked to the table but then Jungwon approached her and began a conversation that leads to a whole fit of laughter.

Y/n's POV

Jungwon approached me and he even started a conversation with me! I must be dreaming but if this is a dream please don't wake me up. This is way too good to be true. We were now eating and I couldn't stop myself from laughing, he's way too funny for me to do so. We grew very close in just 30mins of talking and getting to know eachother. We both decided to continue eating in silence as we couldn't finish our dinner, due to the fact that we would laugh our asses off just before the food touch our mouths.

He eventually breaks the silence when he asked "What song of Enhypen do you loke the most?" To which I replied with "Uhmm... About that I love them all" "Really? So you're a fan?" He asks. "Of course I am!"With that being said we finished our meal and went to wash it up.

We both went to our seperate rooms to get ourselves cleaned up for the night. When I got inside the room that I'll be staying at, I saw my roommates Wonyoung and Yebin. They were both talking about something, so I made my way and sat down beside Wonyoung. "What're you both talking about?" I asked with a smile. "Just about the first test, how was your little bonding with Jungwon?" Yebin teased.

"Oh come on, we're just friends!" I whined at them as they find the situation funny and teased me more. "Hey! At least Enhypen doesn't have a dating ban" Wonyoung said. "He wouldn't go for someone like me, I know that! Besides I'm here to make my dream come true not to find myself a boyfriend!" I defended myself as they just laugh their asses off. I just got up to grab myself a pair of nightwear. I looked at them as they still couldn't stop laughing, I gave them a "really?" look to which they just burst into another fits of laughter.

I shook my head with a smile and just went to the bathroom to wash up. When I finished I saw them already sleeping. I went to my own bed and slept.


When I woke up I saw Wonyoung was already to start her day. She was neatly dressed and her hair's still wet. I greeted her as she did the same. "Get up, we have a very big day ahead of us!" She exclaimed. I did as she told and I also went to the bathroom and make myself look presentable.

When I got back in our shared room
I saw Yebin, she just woke up from her deep slumber. I smiled mischievously and ran to her to tackle the poor girl down back to her still unmade bed. "That's my pay back for last night, Yeye" I laughed as she scoffed, trying her best to push me and when she successfully did I fall off of the bed, hitting my but really hard.

She helped me to get my butt off of the floor and back to my feet as she told me to go out of the room and join the other for breakfast. Limoing my way out of the room I heard Yebin shouted "I'm sorry!" To which I shouted back with a "It's fine, no damage has been done!" But that's a big lie. My butt hurts so bad! She's way too strong for a 19 years old girl.

Jake noticed my limping state, he walked towards me and asked me if I was okay, by the time he got a reply from me we both reach the dining table. "I'm fine, Jakey, I just fall off the bed when Yebin pushed me because I tackled her" I told him, he just noded and guide me to a two empty seats beside Jay and Heeseung across from Sunghoon, Wonyoung and Jungwon.

Everyone is in a conversation so I just listened to them, eating my meal quietly. "Y/n, I saw what happened. I was just about to call you and Yebin noona but then I saw you tackling her down, you even fall on your butt!" Ni-ki said as he couldn't stop laughing. Everyone eyed me as I just give them an embarrassed look. Suddenly Ni-ki started coughing, making my way towards him I immediately give him water and laughed at him. He looks at me and stuck his tounge out.

I looked at Jungwon only to find him already looking at me. We both smiled at eachother and I went back to my seat to finish my meal. When we finished we all cleaned it up as fast as we could. As we're expected to go to the lobby because of the first test.

We arrived at the lobby and sat down to our assigned seats. The voice finally spoke and said that we'll be performing Into the I-land just like the season1. I'm excited! I've always wanted to perform into the I-land, much to my dismay I still don't know a lot of its choreography and that's the thrilling part.

We are now dismissed and everyone decided that wasting time is very risky, so here we are! Inside the practice room. I'm a bit overwhelmed as I still don't know the choreography, almost everyone here knows it and it's stressing me out.

I'm trying to learn the choreo but I can't seem to do anything right.

Sunoo's POV

I saw Y/n struggling with the choreo, she seems very frustrated. So I went to Jungwon knowing that he'll gladly help her with the choreo after all that's one of the reason why we're here.

"Jungwonie~ Y/n seems frustrated, would you like to help her? I'm not really confident with teaching the choreo and I know you'll gladly help her, I wanted to do it but I think she'll be more comfortable with you" I said as I approach him. "Yeah, sure hyung" he replied with a bright smile and went on his merry way to help Y/n.

I swear if they're both not eachother's end game I'll be frowning for the rest of my life.

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