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Two days have passed and she's finally booked her flight! During these two days she made sure that Laura knows that she'll be arriving ASAP. She'll be leaving her country tomorrow. Y/n decided to book the flight as soon as possible and the one that'll leave immediately. She's happy and sad at the same time due to the fact that she'll be leaving her family and country behind just to go to another country and pursue her dreams. Everyone's happy for her, but like what she's feeling right now seemed to be what her family is feeling at this moment too.

Y/n's POV

I'm happy, I really am but I don't want to leave them behind... So, I decided to spent my last remaining days in this country with them.

The days went by so fast like as if it was just a blink of an eye. I made sure that before I leave everything is settled. I bought them groceries and a few clothes but I'm careful enough to not spend it all as I'll be needing them when I get there. Apparently tomorrow I'll be leaving the country. I admit I'm sad but I'm not doing this just for myself. I want my mother to retire as soon as I became an Idol and that goes for my father too. I'll be working hard and at the same time I will also study very hard so that if anything goes wrong I'll still be able to help them.


I woke up earlier than any other day in my life. It was currently 3:10 in the morning and not to mention I woke up just 10mins before my alarm clock goes off. I'm still sleepy but today is my flight and I wouldn't want to miss it. I leave at exactly 5:20am and that's enough time for me to get ready and head straight to the airport.

After 30mins of getting ready and checking anything, just incase if I forgot something important. I made my way down stairs to see all of them awake and dressed up preparing everything for breakfast. Well except for my 4years old sister and 2 years old brother who's still sleeping.

"Y/n, sit down we're almost done" my grandfather told me. I smiled at him and sat down beside my grandmother and we began to eat as soon as they finished cooking. No one talked, we ate breakfast silently and peacefully. After breakfast which took about 25mins and now we're ready to go.
As we sat at silently inside the car they're just smiling and looking at me lovingly with a mixture of sadness in their eyes.

When we finally made it to the airport I began to tear up. This is my first time being away from my family. I couldn't stop the tears from falling and so I let them. Facing my family I went to my grandmother and wrap my arms around her, making her shirt temporarily wet because of the unstoppable tears that stubbornly fell. "Everything's gonna be alright, dear one. Please don't cry,  I love you and I'm sure you know that. Call us when you get there, okay?" My grandmother said. "I will grandma, I will. I love you... Take care of yourself and everyone for me?" I replied followed with my soft sobs. "You know I will, sweetie" she said as she kissed my forehead.

I went to my grandfather and hug him he told me that he's proud of me and that he loves me so much, he also wishes me goodluck to my journey. I hugged him so tight that he even told me to stop hugging him because he can't breathe and there I chuckled before going to my father who's carrying my little brother. I told them what I wanted to say and to always be careful, he also did the same. I kissed my baby brother goodbye and told him to behave even if he still can't hear me due to him being asleep.

I immediately rushed myself to my mother and sister. I hugged them and kisses both of them goodbye. I reassured mother that I'll be fine and that they'll have to stay safe and healthy. After I bid my farewell to them, I give them the best smile that I could at that particular moment.
"I love you all"  I said and wiped my tears before the voice in the speaker at the airport spoke and announced that the passengers of the plane that I'll be riding to South Korea will leave in 30 mins. I made sure that 언니(eonni) Laura knows, I'll be arriving in a few hours.

I sat at my assigned seat and put my phone in airplane mode. I grabbed my earphones and listened to Enhypen songs. I love their music and of course I also love them. They're just so handsome and cute. I can tell that they're fun to be with but I'm also aware that, that won't happen. So I decided to go to sleep, little did I know that what I said is absolutely wrong.

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