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Jungwon Immediately went to Y/n and asked her if she needs help, with a small smile Y/n said "Yeah, I couldn't seem to get anything right at all" and with that Jungwon offered to help her.


When Jungwon noticed that Y/n needs to take a break, he told her that at least she should rest for like 30mins before continuing. She happily agreed and sat down on the floor, Jungwon grabbed a bottle of water to hand it over to the panting Y/n. She's been dancing for the past 4hours without even giving herself enough time to rest.

"You okay?" Jungwon asked, Y/n smiled at him "I'm fine, Jungwon. No need to worry and thank you for helping me" "It's nothing, you did amazing Y/n, don't overwork yourself. I gotta go find Heeseung hyung, I'll see you later!" He said as he walked out of the room. Y/n couldn't refrain herself from smiling, as she's way too happy that her ult actually helped her.

Y/n's POV

"Ohh... You like him don't you?" Liz suddenly sat down beside me and asked. "Hmm... About that he's my ult and besides I didn't come here to find myself a boyfriend. Why does everybody that I talked to asked the same question again and again?" I pout as I realized that almost everyone that I held a conversation with actually asked the same question.

Liz just shrugged and pat my back before standing up and going upstairs. I sigh, walking to the other training room to practice alone, is it too obvious that I like him? Well, he's my ult and I couldn't deny that but is it too early? Ughhh!!! This is so confusing! Going back to memorizing the choreo, thanks to Jungwon I executed them well.

By the time I finished practicing it was already around 6pm. I'm literally exhausted but I still have the energy to joke around, I'll just rest for about 30mins before I go upstairs.

When I went back upstairs, everyone looked at me. Wonyoung ran to me and said "Where have you been? We've been looking for you all day!" She flick my forehead, "Apparently, you guys didn't check the training room 2" I groaned and sat down beside Jay.

I grasp the thought of me still not washing up, saving myself from being embarrassed, so straight away I ran to my shared room to clean myself up.

No one's POV

Meanwhile, Jay was flabbergasted of why would Y/n immediately ran off like that, when she just sat down beside him not even . Chuckling to himself he shook his head.

Y/n walk out of the bathroom, fresh and cleaned. Leave their shared room and once again, sat down beside Jay.

They got along pretty well to say the least, Jay stood up and help Y/n as they both agree to cook everyone's dinner, unaware of the pair of eyes that has been watching them ever since Y/n sat down beside Jay for the second time.

The duo were preparing dinner while being goofy, as they're both dancing to the music being played not long after they started washing the ingredients that needs to be sliced.

Dancing through the song Jay spin her around as they laugh together. Someone seemed to be bothered by the way they both act towards eachother. Entering their line of sight, the duo stopped and proceeded on making their dinner, as if nothing actually happened.

"Hyung, can I help? I've got nothing to do, so I thought I could help you both" Jungwon suddenly utter. "Sure, Why not?" Jay answered. Of course Y/n agreed, giving Jungwon a big grin and usher him to help her 'cause she's about to start cutting the ingredients they'll be putting in the Curry.

"Aren't you tired, Y/n?" Jungwon asked as Y/n replied with a "Not really, I still have enough stamina to goof around and do such chores" she looks at him with a smile plastered on her bubbly face, with that being said they fell into a deep and peaceful silence, meanwhile Jay was just observing the two of them.

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