Chapter 17

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(Authors note: sorry for taking ages to write this chapter but I'm hoping to find more time to write way more xo)


We got drivers to pick us up, but...
Emma was not herself on the way back to the house... she kept looking outside behind us every 3 minutes

"Emma?"   "What" she snaps "what's up with you?" I look at her raising my eyebrow "nothing"

The car goes quiet, you know what I don't even care what's up with her


the car flips over, SHIT

"Emma" "Emma wake up" shit she's out cold.
I grab her bridle style and climb out from under the car
I see Nathan, Kacey, and holly.
"You all good?" I say to all of them and they all say yeah at the same time

suddenly 3 black cars stop in front of us, for fuck sake can I not have a break? About 15 men with suits on start getting out of car and I see they have guns in there hands

"shit they have guns" I shout to Nathan, kacey and holly I quickly put Emma down behind a car hood that fell of a car

I get my gun out of my waist band and start shooting killing about 4 guys while Nathan takes kacey and holly to Emma to hide
Nathan gets back and starts shooting with me and killing 3 people

I heard a groan behind me and saw Emma getting up she did not look to happy
she quickly got her gun out her thigh band and start shooting coming closer to me and Nathan

they were all shooting at us so we had to duck under one of the cars
"You okay em?" Nathan asks her tilting his head "yeah just a massive headache and a little dizzy" she replies rubbing her head

" here Nathan go take the girls and try to find a car near by and me and Dominic will sort this out" Emma said re loading her gun

"Okay" Nathan said grabbing a massive peace of mental to defend himself of getting shot then he went to the Girls

"Why do you do that?" I ask "do what?" Emma said looking if it's clear for us to come out
"Always looking after people and making sure there safe before even thinking about yourself?" I say looking her dead in the eyes

she takes a gulp and looks through the window and says "it's clear I think they ran out of ammo" she said dodging my question
we both stood up before the men had a chance to run towards us, and we start shooting killing half of them so there's only 4 people left

One of the men snuck behind Emma and knocked the gun out her hand and went to punch her but she ducked

The other 2 men came towards me and they were strong but of course not stronger than me obvs


this man came behind me and knocked my gun out my hand and tried to take a swing to me but I ducked and punched him in his jaw and he fell to floor

a man came running to me so I jumped on his thigh and wrapped my legs around to his shoulders snapping his neck

I look over to Dominic and see him fighting the last guy looking as hot as ever blood scattered all over his buttoned white suit shirt

I put all my attention to him until I hear a shot...I look over to see the guy I punched on the floor with my gun in his hand

a horrible pain came shooting down my shoulder
The guy was going to shoot again but Dominic quickly shot him in the head And came running over to me

"emma! quickly get in the car there more men coming" Nathan shouted from a random car as loads of cars came towards us

I start getting dizzy but I push that away and walk up to the men to see if there and tattoos on him and there was the Russian mafias symbol on his neck

shit it was Darren... I didn't get time to process all of this as Dominic quickly picked me up and went to the car and put me in a back with kacey and holly

he swapped sides with Nathan so Dominic was driving

"Omg Emma are you okay?!" kacey finally noticed to fact I was shot in the shoulder what made everyone's head turn towards me

"Oh my god Emma you were shot!" Holly said pointing out the obvious "really where??" I asked her with my voice covered in sarcasm

"Emma you look really pail your loosing to much blood" Nathan said taking his top of and passing it to kacey so she can put it on my shoulder

"Where nearly there I'v lost them all try keep her awake for 2 more minutes" Dominic said pushing his foot on the gas going faster

fuck I feel really lightheaded... so I closed my eyes and all when I opened my eyes all I saw was darkness

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