Chapter 19

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I woke up with a shooting pain in my shoulder, well I'm not surprised. I was about to move my hand to get my glass of water but I felt someone grab on to it

I look down and see Dominic asleep, what is he doing here? I slide my hand awake and started playing with his hair

after 30 minutes of me just admiring him and playing with his hair he opened his eyes slowly and looked up at me, god those green eyes

"Morning lazy arse" I said taking my hand of his head  "how you feeling?" His deep morning voice could literally make me sweat it's that hot

"I'm fine just a bit sore" I say looking at him in his eyes "do you need anything?" he said sitting up and leaning back on the chair

oh god those joggers look amazing on him and don't get me started on that vest too his abs are practically poking out

"No I'm okay" I said sitting up I lifted the blanket of me and I was about to get out until Dominic says "where you going?"

"I need a cig?" I say honestly "you got shot and nearly died and all you can think about is you need a cig?" he said raising an eyebrow

"Pretty much yeah, where are my cigs?" I say looking around "I think we left them at the car crash but I have some stay there for a minute" he said standing up and leaving the room

after 2 minutes he came back with a wheelchair "absolutely fucking not Dominic" I say shaking my head

"Okay no cig then"  "but-"  "no, no buts get in and you can go for a cig" he argued

"For fuck sake fine" I gave up he came towards me and lifted me up and placed me in the wheelchair and put a blanket over me

"You drive me into a wall and I'll kill you" I threatened looking back at him
"Yeah yeah"

Dominic is sat next to me and we are outside having a cig I turn to face him and he looks freezing

"Here" I pull half of my blanket on him so he's not as cold "thank-you"

we went back inside and the doctor came in to give me some pills to help with the pain

"you can go now you just need a lot of rest" the doctor said handing me my water

"Thank fuck" I say taking the last pill "but I will need you to come here every week so I can check if it's healing properly" the doctor said and walked out

"Come on let's get you to your room" Dominic says while picking me up and putting me in the wheelchair

"I don't get why I need to be in this the bullet hit my shoulder not my leg?" I argue 
"your right" he stoped the wheelchair and picked me up bridle style and walked like I was light as a feather

I didn't say anything cause I kinda enjoyed it his been so nice to me but I don't know why?

He walked past the living room and I saw kacey and this other girl I don't recognise "who's her?" I ask Dominic

"Fuck knows I took a shower and came out and she was just sat there on my bed on her phone I told her to get out and she said her name is Evie and I said I didn't ask and she left" Dominic said rolling his eyes

"I don't like her she looks sketchy" I say not even knowing who she is "mhm same"

we got to my room and he placed me down on my bed like I was about to break he's been so nice to me I've never seen this side to him

normally he's rude and arrogant so I don't understand why he is being this nice to me but I can't lie I like it

"Do you need anything" he asked sitting at the bottom of my bed "nope I'm okay Thank-you" I said getting under my cover

"you should get some rest" he said standing up "mhm" I nod and he walks out of my room

I waited about 10 minutes and got out of bed and sneaked to my office which was downstairs so I had to be really quiet

I finally make it to my office and I opened and shut the door quietly so no one could hear me

I walk to my office chair and sit down and started doing some paperwork,
we need to kill the Russian mafia and get the baby back I don't even want to image the things there doing to it...

I still haven't wrap my head around of what's happened this past month

I was typing on my computer until I heard someone knock on my office door
eh? No one knows I'm in here?

I keep quiet until Ella Kingston came in with cookies and a coffee

"Hey I saw you coming in here and I knew you will be trying to figure out a plan and that so I thought I'd give you some Fresh cookies and a coffee to keep you going" Ella said shutting the door quietly and put the plate of cookies and coffee on my desk with a smile

"thankyou" I said smiling at her "don't worry hunny I won't tell anyone your in here even though you are supposed to be on bed rest" she sits down in the chair in front on my desk

"Thankyou, do you know if they were any survivors?" I ask hoping there was

"I think so I saw some of your men drag someone to the basement and he looked like dog shit" Ella said

"That's great Thankyou mrs. Kingston" I say grabbing one of her cookies "please call me Ella"

Ella left and I was typing on my computer until I hear someone struggle to open my door but after 2 minutes of struggling they opened it and I saw Lucas Kingston and Kaylee Salvatore coming in

"hi emmaaa" Lucas said with a massive smile  "hi trouble what you both doing in here?"  "I smell cookies" Kaylee said jumping onto the chair and sitting down and Lucas followed

"Here don't tell your mums okay?" I say getting up and giving them a cookie each
I went back to my chair and called Mattheo to come to my office

5 minutes went by and Lucas and Kaylee left after there cookie, mattheo came in and sat down

"Aren't you supposed to be on bed rest young lady?" he said raising his eyebrow
"Hi to you to mattheo" I said sarcastically

"I need you to do some of your hacking shit please" I say sitting up strait
"Okay what are you looking for?" he asked  "any information on the Russians..." I say

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