Chapter 51- time

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I'm laid my towel nest to kacey and holly sunbathing, hoping I get a tan

"babe I'm going to go find an ice cream van for the kids" I heard dom say and I open my eyes squinting them

"okay" I say back and he bends over and kisses me "I love you" he says "I love you too" I say back kissing him

the sound of his footsteps gets quieter, I sit up looking where Ellis is, to see him on Ella's knee under the massive sun umbrella

I'm glad he's in the shade it's way to hot for him
I lay back down and close my eyes and drift off not noticing how late it was getting and Dominic hasn't got back yet

"where's Dominic?" I ask to everyone and they all don't know "He said he was going to ice cream van for kids but hasn't come back" I say worried

this isn't like him it's been a good 40 minutes
I have a really bad gut feeling "somethings wrong" I mutter staring into the sand

I get up "Ella keep Ellis with you until I get back" I say picking up doms top I came in and put it on
I then grab my gun and placed it in the gun holder I put in my bag before leaving and putting it around my back hiding it with the baggy top on

I walk away looking for him

40 minutes ago

I was sat down in the shade with Ellis on my knee admiring Emma on the floor sunbathing
I pulled out my phone as I felt it vibrate

"come to the ally next to the beach- come alone and no one will get hurt" I read on my phone
unknown number

I put my gun in my waistline hiding it away
"mama do me a favour and get Ellis while I go-
-go get the kids an ice cream" I say lying to her face. god I never like lying to my mum

"of course hunny" she says grabbing Ellis
I walk up to Emma blocking the sun from her
"babe I'm going to go find an ice cream van for the kids" I said to her and she opens her eyes squinting them

"okay" She say back and i bends over and kisses her "I love you" I says "I love you too" She says back kissing me even more

I really hope that's not the last time I tell her I love her. As I walk off I go to the ally with my hand on my gun just incase

"hello dom" Anna says fluttering her eyelashes like she has something in her eye

"what do you want" I say getting pissed off
"we need you to go away on holiday for a little bit with no connection to anyone" Leah says casually

"like fuck I am" I say about to walk off until Leah opens her mouth (what a surprise)
"if you don't... we are just going to tell everyone your cheating on Emma with An" Leah says

I laugh at her "yeah with what proof?" I say and she lifts her phone up at me and Leah comes charging at me and kissed me

anna stop the video right before I threw Leah away from me "you bitch" I curse
"what's stopping me from killing you.? oh right nothing" I say pulling out my gun

"really? nothing? to say that I'm Darren pierce's daughter, think the Russians won't be to happy,
right after you've made an allowance aswell" Leah says fake pouting

I look at them with clear shock
"now we have proof... goodbye Dominic I hope we see you soon" anna says

"you better pray you don't" I say walking off
if I didn't walk of I would of ended up killing them with my bare hands

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