Chapter 56-yes

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"you ready?" i hear dominic ask from behind me
"yes, come on let's go" i say walking out of our bathroom in a white dress showing off my curves and baby bump.

"you look beautiful" he says kissing my head
"thankyou, you don't look to bad yourself" i tease
as we walk out the house and get in the car

we drive to a beautiful restaurant about 15 minutes away from the house, "come on let's go in" dominic says opening his car door

he walks around the car and opens my door as well, i thank him and we go inside "reservation for the Kingston's" dominic says to the waiter

the Kingston's... i don't know why but putting my name and his last name makes me get butterflies
or maybe it's just the baby's kicking me, again.

to say the fact i'm giving them life all they do is make me throw up, kick me and push on my bladder every minute making me need a piss

the waiter shows us our table and we sit down and told him our order, after he leaves and Dominic looks at me

"tell me about your childhood" he says out of no where "ah strait to the point huh?" i say and he puts his hand on top of mine

"stop trying to change the subject and talk"

"fine, i was born in the mafia and being the only daughter to a very important mafia boss is dangerous so my mum practically kidnapped me, and hid away from my dad. we moved around a lot to make sure he would never find us. i went to school and met a nice lad, his name was harvey

he was my big brother, not by blood but by heart
i wouldn't be the person i am today if it wasn't for him.

he taught me how to fight, defend myself, and he got me into the underground and i started doing assassinations to help my mum with the bills.
she struggled a lot and all i wanted to do was help

I got pretty serious with being an assassin but one night i got home from one night and saw a man sat on my sofa with my mum

she looked so happy, i never made her that happy. i used to feel like i took her life away if she didn't have a daughter she could of still been with my dad

the man sat on the sofa was darren." I look to dom and his face is still "and from there you already know so... your turn" i say with a smile trying to change the subject again

"wow" he mutters looking strait in my eyes "you really are one amazing women" he says making me a little surprised

"god i think i just fell in love with you all over again" he adds on making me smile at me
"shut up now it's your turn"

"okay well, first what's happened to jude now?" he asks, i look up to him staring right in his eyes
"he died" i lowly said making him shocked

"well, you might not believe it but my dad was one scary man, especially when your only young.
he was hard on me and jamie, he didn't want to be but he had to, for his mafia

he trained us to be two of the best fighters in Italy
i had a big sister, she was amazing. when i was younger i struggled to control my anger but she always knew how to calm me down" he stops

my face in complete shock, he had a big sister?

"she died in a car crash, her name was lottie well her full name was Scarlett but everyone called her lottie, after she died my anger got worse.
i wouldn't come out my room and i was a mess

until i was forced my my father to come to spain, for the ball, my father told me we was staying with some of his old friends and that's how i met you, and iv never been happier" he says making me feel like i'm going to cry

"fuck these hormones" i say fanning my eyes to stop them from watering and i hear a soft chuckle from dominic

we eat our food and dominic suddenly stands up
"where are you going?" i ask "we are going" he says picking up my hand and leads me outside

"dominic what are you doing?" i ask so confused
"just keep walking" he says dragging me to a beautiful sight, i can all the houses lights and the starts

"i love you and i'll always love you, everything about you. and i would even love you if you was a worm. i know every time you ask me i say no i wouldn't but i was joking.

you make me happy, and without you i don't know what i would do. we have our own little family and i think it's time to make it official.."

i look at him still confused asf
until he gets down on one leg and pulls out a black box making my eyes water in shock

"Emma D'angelo will you be my wife?" he says opening up the box to see a beautiful diamond ring,
"yess, a million times yes" i say making his nervous smile turn even brighter as he puts the ring on my finger

he gets up and i go strait in his arms "second time you've kneeled to me, feel quiet special" i say making him laugh

i pull away and he wiped my tears as i look closer at the ring "why does it seem so familiar" i say
"because Emma, it was the ring i gave your mother" my dad says walking out of no where

"and the ring i gave to your grandmother" my grandad says also walking out "it's been in our family for a long time" ace says as everyone walks out making me even more shocked

everyone is here... my family, Dominic's family and all our friends. i'm just stood there still surprised 

after i snap out of it i hug everyone and they all congratulated me and Dominic

"why do you all think my hormones can cope with this" i say wiping my tears away "trust me girl i feel your pain" i hear kacey say also crying

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