Chapter 38

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"Girls the restaurant will be closed by the time your fucking ready" I shout from the bottom of the stairs

"okay chill we're ready" holly says coming down the stairs with kacey

"okay so you have everything right?" I turn to Ella asking her "and if anything happens call me strait away" I add on

Ella rolls her eyes "I know trust me you've told us 10 times now" she says laughing
I kiss everyone on the cheek except Dominic and he new girlfriend stupid bitch

we walk out the house and get in car and holly tells the driver where we are going

we get there and thank the driver and walk in and everyone's head turns to us
"Reservations for Kingston" holly says and the waiter looks scared

she shows us to our table and we sit down and order drinks "I wonder if Ellis is okay?" I ask myself but holly and kacey heard

"Emma stop thinking about him for 10 minutes he's fine, he's with my mother" holly says and kacey agrees

"Fine" I say rolling my eyes as a joke
Our drinks came and we ordered food cause we were starving

the food came and we ate it all and started talking about Lisa Dominic new girlfriend

"she's pretty" i say and the girls give me a dirty look "yeah but she's nothing. Compared to you" kacey says looking me up and down

I laugh at her "well who wants another round?" I ask talking about the drink but I was the only one who drank all my drink

"go get another drink we don't drink as fast as you" holly laughs and i roll my eyes

"First I need a wee" I say standing up and walking to the girls restroom
I went to the toilet and I went to the sink to wash my hands

I look down at my hands and look back up to see a man but before I could react he put a cloth in my mouth

something was on that cloth cause all I saw next was darkness



"God it's been 10 minutes how long does it take to have a piss" I ask kacey confused

"I'll go check on her" I add on "okay I'll get us another round of drinks" she says getting up to the bar

I walk into the girls restroom to see no one was in there? but there is water everywhere
I quickly pulled out my phone and called Emma to see where the hell she was?

strait to voice mail...
I get out of the restroom and walk around the restaurant to see if she wondered of or something
but nothing...

I then saw kacey run up to me "look" she says showing me a message on her phone what says:

'looking for Emma? She has such a natural beautiful face right? -Russia'

then a photo of Emma in a van knocked out


I quickly call Dominic he's the first person I thought of

What now?

it's Emma she's been kidnapped by Russian

What! Come home now

On our way now

I ended the phone call and payed for the food and drinks and left strait away

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