Chapter 33

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25th December 9:35am

I woke up with kids jumping around on my bed

"Emma get up it's christmasss!!" Lucas shouts in my ear

he is so lucky he's a kid or I would of shot him
"okay okay I'm up" I say in surrender I got up and was about to leave but Dominic come in my room
"Emma when WE go downstairs no one can know we aren't together anymore okay?" he says with his messy hair god he's hot

"why?" I say pissed off but still admiring him
"because it's Christmas do you really want to be the bear of bad news?" he says and I sigh "fine but you better tell them soon"

me and Dominic go downstairs holding hands god I hate myself for missing this

we all sit down and open our presents I open one from my dad and saw he got me a fucking puppy

oh my god I think I might actually cry

I went over to him and gave him a massive hug "okay Emma open the presents from Dominic" holly says exited

I take a deep breathe and open to see a beautiful necklace with diamonds oh my god

"here let me help put it on" Dominic says all nice but last night he broke up with me?! wtf is going on man

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"here let me help put it on" Dominic says all nice but last night he broke up with me?! wtf is going on man

he put on the necklace for me and kissed me
I know we have to act like this for today so I'm going to enjoy it while I still can...

so I kiss him back "here open mine" I say handing him his gift

he opens it and it's a black ring with gold on the outlines

he puts it on his middle finger and it fits perfectly "awhh thank-you babe" he smiles and kisses me again

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he puts it on his middle finger and it fits perfectly "awhh thank-you babe" he smiles and kisses me again

he actually looks like he loves me... he should be an actor honestly. Prick.

"I have one more gift for you princess" my dad interrupted and he pulls out some paper

"there adoption papers" he said handing me them "you don't have to adopt me I was in your balls" I joked and he laughed "there not for me to adopt you, there for you to adopt him" he says pointing to Ellis who's sat on Ella's knee

"W-what?!" I freak out "sweat pea your already practically his mum... give him the childhood you never had..." my grandad says

"don't you need the mother's signature?" I ask
"well to say that she's dead I'm still married to her so I already signed them" my dad says giving me a pen

I open the pen lid

"what if I'm not a good mum?
what if I can't give him the life he deserves
what if-" I start to mumble on

"emma you are already his mother you are amazing with him" my dad says

I do my signature on the papers
I can't believe that just happened oh my god

everyone started cheering "congratulations babe your a mum!" kacey says hugging me

"oh my god im a mum?!" I say surprised and they all just laughed at me

I went to Ella and picked Ellis up "hey baby I'm your mama" I say blowing raspberry's on his baby and he laughs

"Okay well I'm going to put all these away" I say telling the guards to get mine and Ellis's presents and bring them to my room

"I'll come with you" Dominic says we all was walking up the stairs and my phone dropped on the floor but I have Ellis in my hands so I got Dominic to pick it up for me

"that's cute" he says looking at my phone
I look at him to see what he was looking at
it was my Lock Screen off him,me,Ellis,Lucas and Kaylee

it was in Ellis's room when we all fell asleep and kacey came in to check up on us and we was all cuddled up together and she took a photo and sent me it

"Send me the photo" he says and I nod
we got in my room and he sat on my bed
"you hate me don't you" he blurred out

I froze, I hate that I don't hate him but I'm not going to let him know that "yes"

He sighed "I don't blame you" and I just look at him confused "why?" I asked

"I shouldn't of ended things like that, it was fucked up" he said looking at me in awh

"no you shouldn't of "  "I'm sorry em"

I look at him, what does he expect me to forgive him? "okay" I say not making eye contact

I put Ellis on his play mat and went inside my walk in wardrobe to put the clothes I got away

when I walk back out Dominic's gone... fuck why is my life so messy
It's one thing having an ex that you still love but it's another thing when you live with him

I message kacey and holly to come to my room I need to tell them about me and Dominic it's killing me

after 5 mins they both come busting through the door, I tell them to sit down so they both sat down on my bed confused

"me and Dominic aren't together" I say and there eyes widened "WHAT?!" kacey shouted "kacey Ellis is right there be quiet" I say pointing at the baby who was just enjoying life

"What happened?!" holly whisper shouted

after I explained what happened they both looked furious "I'm going to go talk to him" holly says pissed off

"no don't it's fine I'm not going to give him the satisfaction that he hurt me" I say and they frown

"What time is it" i ask while putting Ellis's clothes away "10:30am" kacey answered and I nod

"Christmas dinner is at 12:00pm so make sure your hungry also we all have to wear something fancy cause it's going to be the first Christmas of us all together" holly said smiling

"okay well I'm going to put Ellis for a nap then go for a shower cause I stink" I say putting my hair in a messy bun and picking Ellis up

"Okay well I'm going I have to put my stuff away" holly says and kacey said she had to do the same so they both went

I put Ellis in his room for a nap and went into the shower

after the shower I get out and wrap a thin towel around me, I walk out to see Dominic standing there waiting for me

"I told everyone about me and you" he says and I crossed my eyebrows "why?" I ask

"it's not fair on you to pretend you love me when you hate me" he says then walks out

that's it?

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