Chapter 40- thats it..?

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31st DECEMBER 9:20am

It's been a couple days since I was kidnapped and Ella's been staying at my place with me to help with Ellis cause I'm still recovering

also them guys came and put cameras every where around the house except my room

I did had to get stitches in my shoulder and thigh and I have a lot of bruises all over my body but at least I'm not dead right?

I snap out of my thoughts when Ella comes in my room with Ellis in her arms "he misses his mum" she says sitting at the end of my bed

"Awh come here baby" I say getting Ellis of Ella
and cuddling him he's growing up way to fast

then Dominic comes in randomly "I didn't know you was here?" Ella said to him and he smiled
"Came to check up on Emma" he answered and Ella nods

"Well I'll go downstairs and feed this monkey" Ella says picking Ellis out my arms and walking out shutting door behind her

"We need to talk em" he says sitting where Ella was "go on?" I say confused

"You want the real reason I ended it?" he says and my head shot up if fucking course I do!!

"Erm yeah sure" I acted natural
"I got a message from Caiden saying if I didn't break up with you he would kill yo-" he was saying until he got interrupted by the door slamming open

by ace? "Caiden he's alive" ace strait up says
"What?!" I ask confused "the bomb should of killed him?" Dominic says and ace nods

"well it didn't I don't know how he's alive but he is" ace says pissed of "how do you know?" I ask still fucking confused

if he's alive does that mean my mum is..?
"We just got a message from him" he says handing me his phone what has a message on it:

"You really thought you got rid of me huh?
you might have Emma back but I have something else you want... tell me how's your mother? Cause she's doing great over here" I say reading out the message to Dominic

he's using our mother against us. God give me a break

"What are we going to do?" I ask "we? You are not getting involved it's dangerous" ace says and Dominic agreed

"I think I got involved when he kidnapped me and tortured my own mum in front of me and I fucking told you all mum was alive but none of you believed me" I argues back and they both  went quiet

"Now I'll ask one more time, what are we going to do ace" I said with venom lacing my tone
"nothing yet, we are celebrating New Years with our family we will sort it all out next year" ace says crossing his arms

I sighed "okay well I'm going back home I'll see you tonight right em?" Ace says waiting for me to answer him "yeah..."

he then walk out "can you hand me that?" I ask pointing to the bottle of pills "yeah sure" Dominic says getting up and handing me them

I get out 2 and swallow them swilling them down with a glass of water
"So he was blackmailing you.." I say and he froze
"I shouldn't of told you he's still alive he can still try and kill you" he says sitting back down

"so me and you are over?" I ask and he nods yes
"that's it? that's all I'm worth to you?" I ask and he looks at me "you are worth so much to me that it hurts" he says with a weak voice

"it's just a blackmail we would of been stronger together but whatever" I argue "em..." he starts but I cut him off

"dom, it's fine if you think that us braking up with solve any of this then it's fine" I say giving up I'm to tired to fight

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