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third person pov

(they're on a bed for future reference.)





Ouma had just fallen asleep and Saihara couldn't stop fantasizing over him. he couldn't stop thinking about his bare chest, oh how vulnerable he must be... 

all of a sudden out of nowhere Saihara hears a loud bang from downstairs and what seems to be drunk laughter, his uncle must've brought someone home. 

"not fucking again..." Saihara mumbled to himself as he turned to Ouma only to see him in tears. 

"O-ouma? whats wrong? are you okay?" Saihara said in a concerned tone, oh how he loved to see his sad expressions. 

"i-i ca-can't stop thinking a-about... Ouma cried out.

"thinking about what? what are you thinking about Ouma?" 

"m-my mu-mum." Ouma sobbed. 

aren't you being a little over dramatic...  

"why are you thinking about your mum?" Saihara sternly said. 

"i-i mi-miss her." 

Saihara stayed quiet not really knowing what to say, maybe Ouma was just a mummy's boy. 

"grow up Ouma, this isn't preschool." Saihara said while staring at Ouma in the eyes. 

more tears spilled out of Ouma's eyes, but he remained silent and turned around. 

Saihara liked seeing the pain in his eyes, it was almost like Ouma was feeling despair, but he didn't wanna push it to much so he decided to try and sleep. 

Ouma on the other hand felt like complete shit, Saihara didn't understand why he "missed his mum", no one did. no one ever listened to him, 

Ouma tried to calm himself down but he just couldn't stop thinking about everything, he couldn't understand why his mum had to leave him, she was the only one who understood. 

is it my fault?

at this point Ouma could barely see, his vision had become blurry because of all the crying he'd done. maybe Saihara was right, he needed to grow up. Ouma thought of himself as a big pussy, i mean that's what everyone at school called him. to all of them he was just something to talk about, and Ouma didn't even know why.

Ouma turned around to see Saihara sleeping, he looked so peaceful. 

i wonder what he's thinking about...

Ouma turned back around and wiped the stale tears of his face, he closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep. 

the room was quiet, the only thing you could hear was Ouma's sniffles and the slight sound of laughter from downstairs. 

it had been a couple hours and Ouma still couldn't sleep, he was to worrisome to sleep. Saihara was now completely asleep and the laughter from downstairs had stopped.  Ouma knew he wouldn't be able to sleep so he decided to get up and search Saihara's house for who knows what... 

Ouma stood up, not making a sound. he was pretty good at staying quiet when sneaking around.  he slowly opened Saihara's door as he walked through, Ouma quietly closed the door behind him while taking a small glance at Saihara.  

Ouma took in a deep breath excited on what he could find in Saihara's house

"what a thief i am..." Ouma snarled. 







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