Chapter 1

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Kakyoin's pov:

It was a long wait to get on the plane, there were so many barriers and security checks but we finally made it through. We all had our seats, me and jotaro, polnareff and avdol and Mr joestar was next to miss Holly. We were all set and the plane was about to take off.
"want some gum?" jotaro offered
"yes thanks" I took some so that my ears wouldn't hurt as much when the air pressure changed. I was on the window seat, so I stared out, looking at the now model-like city below.

It was a 5 hour flight so I got my marine biology book out to read. I glanced over to jotaro who was also reading it over my shoulder, he looked as if he was taking a liking to the book.
I got my sketch pad, rubber, and pencils out and pulled the foldable table down to lean on.
"here, you seem to enjoy it"
"thanks" he grumbled, taking the book from me. I found myself drawing jotaro, I mean he has really good features. I almost continued to draw him below the waist but stopped myself as I realised what I was doing.  His clear ocean eyes and his chiseled jaw, he had the most desirable face and body, at least he didnt have giant scars. The way my parents reacted when they saw them was horrible, I don't know how they allowed me to go abroad again to be honest. Although thinking about it, jojo was quite persuasive, aka he probably threatened them in some way or another. I got bored after a while of drawing the outside scenery and a dedicated page or two to jotaro. I let my head flop back and fell asleep. I don't know how long I was out for but I woke up with a heavy feeling on my head. I noticed I was leaning on jotaro and he'd also fallen asleep, his head resting on mine. I blushed as I heard small snores coming from the giant man above me. We stayed like that for a while. Nothing else happened for the rest of the flight.

We arrived at a nice looking hotel, It was nice to finally enjoy the beauties of Hong Kong without rushing around to save miss Holly. There were potted plants, a little lounge area, a main desk and a big staircase, obviously there was a lift but it still looked awesome.
"alright people, I got the room keys, polnareff and avdol you are in room... 125 ooOh right next to me and Holly! Uh jotaro and kakyoin you are in room 128 aw what a shame we aren't all together"
Holly clung by his side trying to calm her overreacting dad. He exclaimed this with fake tears and gave the room keys to jotaro he then left with the others to talk in the lounge. Of course jotaro looked solemn and a bit annoyed at Mr Joestar and his mum but I was exited, you see I have developed a teeny weeny (massive) crush on him and staying in the same room as him for two nights!? It's like a dream and a nightmare come true! I mean I'm going to be panicking the whole time.
"Oi kakyoin cmon" I heard jotaros deep voice call after me.
"coming coming" I rolled my eyes then smiled catching up to him with my cherry print suit case trundling behind.
"yare yare daze" he tipped the bill of his hat down.
Usually he does that to hid emotions, I don't know why he is so sensitive about it but I'm sure he'll tell me when he wants to.

As we reach the escalator, another person quickly hopped in making jotaro stand close behind me. My head was almost on his chest. I looked up and met his gaze. I swear I saw a smile. I moved my head back down when I heard a ding which signalled it was our floor. We walked out pulling our luggage. There were two men, two doors down on the opposite side who whistled at me as I walked past, I felt scared and subconscious. I felt a hand on my waist tugging me back, it was jojo! I felt a flush of red go to my face, I looked back to see he'd stuck his middle finger up at them then glared menicefully and they both went back into their rooms.
"thanks jojo"
"no problem" he gruffly responded
He unlocked the door and ushered us in releasing his warm hand from my hip.
"uh- I guess I'll sleep on the rug"
"it's fine, it's a king sized bed anyway so it can fit two people in it"
He clearly missed the fact that we were SHARING a bed. We started unpacking, our stands helping.

Suddenly, the room phone rang. Jotaro picked it up.
"heyy jotaro, wanna come to my room and talk to your gramps, I have alcohol and polnareff and avdol will be here soon so come join and bring kakyoin if he wants to come!" he sounded drunk already practically shouting down the phone.
"how do you already have this hotel phones number?"
"the nice receptionist gave it to me after I explained I wanted to speak to my dear grandson. Anyway, don't avoid spending quality time with family and Get your ASS over here!?! "
"Good grief ", jotaro hung up on him quickly .
"kakyoin, you want to go and drink in the old man's room?"
I don't feel like drinking after the flight.
"no thanks, I think I'll relax and have a nice warm bath" I smiled at him
"ok then, bye" he waved and picked his jacket up then left the room leaving me alone.

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