Chapter 5

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We both exited the room to meet the others and have breakfast. Kakyoin tried to conceal his limping but it was noticeable enough that polnareff asked if he was alright. He turned red and averted his lavender orbs at me.
"I just tripped on the suitcases yesterday and landed on my ankle" he quickly false smiled to polnareff and avdol who appeared from behind him.
"be careful kakyoin, we don't want you getting injured" he half joked.
Kakyoin looked sad after that comment, most likely because of the trauma from DIO. I walked over to the cherry red boy and whispered,
"don't listen to them."
"And, I don't remember seeing the suit cases out to be tripped on, and I don't remember you tripping"
"you were very drunk so you would have forgotten" he replied quickly, his mood changing.
"oh, maybe you could tell me what happened last night then maybe I'll know" he will tell me. Now.
"I'll tell you later in our room" he hobbled away to talk to the others.
Obviously I stared after him, mostly at his ass. I was looking forward for when we got back but also nervous, what if I did something bad last night which made him hate me? Or what if he was toying with me? No kakyoin isn't like that. I'm being stupid.

"so, you have a little crush on kakyoin huh?"
I spun around to see the sneaky bastard known as my grandpa.
"uh I dunno, I mean I'm having a crisis at the minute, I thought I was straight but I'm not entirely sure what my sexuality is, something definitely happened last night that changed it"
"why of course, you were drinking constantly, telling all of us, or just me really, avdol and polnareff were busy doing each other-" ,
"I wonder if polnareff or avdol remember, I mean, we both saw it coming"
"it's the same about how me avdol and polnareff saw it with you and kakyoin, as I was saying, you were telling me how much you hate that 'kakyoin will likely end up with a stupid woman and his body will be used by her and she shouldn't have him when I would be a perfect match for him', you were very certain about your feelings towards kakyoin and I don't think anyone knows this mystery woman you made up. Anyway, awhile after some more drinking and complaining about wanting kakyoin, which I kept trying to get you to go and confess to him, you decided to leave and take the matter into your own hands, after that my dearest grandson, I have no idea what happened"
"neither do I really, I have an assumption but I'm not going to say because knowing you, you'll tell everyone that will listen"
"did you have sex"
"HA HA I called it! now polnareff owes me 50 bucks!"
"not so fast oldy, if you talk to ANYONE about this, I WILL tell them about  caesar, I mean you don't want them to know that you had a thing going with him right?!"
"alright alright, fine I won't tell if you don't got it" he was very red in the face.
Brilliant, the fewer people that know, the better.

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