Chapter 2

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I shut the bathroom door and turned the tap on letting the water run cold to hot. I stuck the plug when the water was the perfect temperature. My stand was curiously watching me.
"its a bubble bath heirophant"
The cabinet below the sink had lavender bubble bath in so I poured most of it in the frothy water making it very foamy. I grabbed my soap and took the fluffy towel that was replaced by my clothes on the radiator. I dipped my toes in hissing at the heat compared with the cold of my body.
Once I was fully submerged, I closed my eyes and let my body relax, there was no rush to wash or do anything as jojo was out and would probably be ages if he's drinking. I hope he doesn't do anything stupid.

I started liking him before this 50 day trip. At school I was told I had to end him because of DIO. If course I thought my stand was stronger than his. Stupid mistake. I gave him a handkerchief to be a makeshift bandage for the damage I caused from my drawing. It said 'jotaro kujo I will murder you today with my stand - noriaki kakyoin'. We had a huge fight with our stands and obviously he won in the end because of his extremely powerful stand. The strange part is he saved my life and took the fresh bud out of my head that was controlling me. I was so grateful. I asked why he saved my life and free will and he responded with 'who knows' I decided to come along on the trip with them, I convinced myself that it was a repayment for my life but I also really love to spend time with jojo.

I scrubbed the soap on my legs and arms making me feel fresh. I traced the giant scar on my stomach that DIO gave me. I had spent 10 months in a coma while the speedwagon foundation re-made half my organs and another year to recover. I still wasn't the same but at least I could walk and do things that I did before it happened. I heard the click of a door, jotaro was back.
"Oi kakyoin where are you"
"I'm in the bathroom jojo, I did say I was gonna have a-"
Before I could finish my sentence, the door I thought I had locked, but clearly hadn't, swung open, he walked in and started stripping his clothes off?!
"joot, what are you doing- EeK!" I covered my eyes as his boxers were discarded. I heard a chuckle and a splosh when he got in the bath.
"cmere and turn around"
I went fully red but I slowly decided to comply. He started to scrub my back, jotaro never does stuff like this to anyone.
"why are you washing me jotaro?"
He stopped washing my back for a second, I assumed he was thinking.
"don't you take care of the person you love?"
"you.. You love MeE?"
I was taken aback.

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