Chapter 6

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We all walked out of the hotel to go sight seeing. Polnareff and avdol were holding hands, clearly remembering the night before. I wish I could remember my night. I looked down, watching kakyoin in his own little world smiling. God I love him so much, I can't conceal it any longer, I hope he feels the same and that last night wasn't a one night stand type of thing. Suddenly, he yelped and fell forwards. I instinctively reached out and grabbed his waist, preventing a nasty fall.
"if only you were there to save him last time eh jotaro?" the grey haired idiot smirked at me.
"maybe you could have saved him like now" he annoyingly continued
"shut-up you dumb bastard" I pulled up kakyoin, who had been suffering from being halfway to the floor and drawed him into my side, keeping my hand firmly resting on his waist. We walked past the weasel, polnareff and avdol who stopped to see what the noise was about. Kakyoin turned his head to them and I could tell he raised confused eyebrows as they did to him. He gazed up at me and tried to move away but I didn't let go.
"what's wrong joot?" I disliked the nickname but couldn't be bothered to tell him. I sighed.
"Oh you know, just my big old brain being stupid"
"ora ora", me and kakyoin looked behind us to see star and heirophant snuggled together whilst moving. I saw Kakyoin blush.
"I'm sorry, I don't know how heirophant got out" he apologised.
"same with star, I guess they just wanted to see each other"
We all arrived at an intriguing amusement park. I took kakyoin away on a carousel. A few people stared at us, I guess we made an odd pair. Kakyoin looked very happy. I saw our stands on two horses next to each other. I smiled to myself, pulling my hat down, everything was perfect. Or so I thought. we got off and went past stalls which sold candyfloss, doughnuts and drinks. Kakyoin won a dolfin plushy and we continued to go down the path. I was about to suggest going to one of the rides but kakyoin was missing. I started searching through the crowds but he was nowhere to be found. There was a small darkened alleyway, it was very suspicious so I kept my guard up. I heard yelling and screaming so I started running in that direction. Low and behold, kakyoin was being beaten up by a small bunch of what looked like gang members. They all turned to look at me. I gave a hard glare to the person leading this.
"you come to save him ay?" of course I have dimwit. I towered over him.
"alright, if I leave now, you can have this freak to ya self, only if you don't hurt us"
Freak?! Who does he think he's talking about? My harmless, sweet maybe not so innocent kakyoin? A freak? This punk had some nerves.
"L. E. A. V. E" I didn't use this tone often but I'd had enough. I can't believe they injured kakyoin. They all scampered away leaving me and kakyoin alone. I quickly untied him and wiped the blood off his face with my sleeve. I picked him up not wanting to be in this place for much longer. I felt a wave of sadness come over me.
"why, why did they call you a freak kakyoin?"
He buried his face further into my neck
"I'll tell you later".

We got to a bench which was away from the noise and literally everyone. I laid Kakyoin across me as we talk about other stuff, I didn't want to make him uncomfortable. Soon the others walked past, avdol pointed us out to the two oblivious men.

We decided to go on the ferris-wheel. Everyone separated again, getting into different compartments, it was getting dark now and the sun shone a beautiful array of colours. As we ascended, I felt Kakyoin's head drop onto my shoulders.
"the people who were.. Being mean to me," I knew he didn't like violent terms
"they said that I shouldnt exist because I could make someone else be like me, you see, I'm gay jojo" he bit down on his lip expecting a horrid response.
"I was going to tell you this later, but, I think now is the time" at first I was confused about what he meant.
"last night, something happened that could change how you feel about me, I really hope you will still be my friend.." oh, he's talking about-
"we had.. We had sex" eyes were piercing through my head, searching for a reaction, slowly, tears rolled down his soft cheek. We were at the top of the ride now. Tears turned into sobs, I snapped out of my thoughts. I brought kakyoin into a warm hug, sitting him on my lap.
"I know, I have known all day, Im sorry I didn't say anything, it was because I didn't know how you felt"
His face was dusted pink and he rubbed his eyes.
"I love you jotaro"
"I love you too nori" I kissed him passionatly and he returned it, hopefully this time it was different from when I was intoxicated. A few minutes after he had calmed down, I heard small snores. We were close to the bottom now so I scooped him up, princess style, perfect for a princess, and paced over to the others who gave me kind smiles. We walked back in a comfortable silence.

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