Chapter 7

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We got through the group of tourists and arrived outside gramps' room.
"okay everyone, I have a table booked at a good reviewed restaurant, I want you all to meet me in the lounge down stairs in half an hour" he shut the door in our faces. Well that was lovely.
"well be waiting downstairs for you jojo!" polnareff looked back over avdol who was about to throw him over his shoulder to get into their room. I tipped my hat down and strided down the hall to room 128, our room. So much has happened in one day, it's crazy!
I gently put kakyoin on our bed and tucked him in. He looked at peace. I chose to start getting ready. I only changed my t-shirt. I knew kakyoin would want some clean clothes so I fished through the draw to find something. Hm a white blouse, grey trousers and a vibrant green jacket. Something caught my eye. I picked it up. It was, some purple lace lingerie. Why did kakyoin have this? Did he actually have a secret woman? No, he said he was gay, ohh, is it for him? I looked over to the sleeping beauty then back at the underwear, yeah I think it's his. I stuffed it at the bottom so it didn't look like I had seen anything.

I moved above kakyoin and kissing his forehead. He didn't stir.
"nori.., nori. Noriaki"
That woke him up
"hmm? Five minutes pleassee"
"no nori, we have to go to dinner in 20 minutes" he sat up, almost bashing his head on me. I handed him his clothes.
"this is a good outfit joot"
"ugh you know I hate that nickname" I rolled my eyes.
"oh well you're going to have to get used to it!" I face palmed but was secretly happy, why wouldn't I be, if my Noriaki is joyful then that makes me the same.

He nervously started getting changed. This threw me off, I have already seen his body before why was he so scared.
" what's wrong nori"
"I just dislike my body so its kinda scary for someone else to see it"
I held both of his hands.
"I find you very attractive, pretty, cute and all the other words in in the dictionary that mean beautiful, you are perfect for me noriaki so don't be so sad, If someone finds you ugly, it shouldn't matter because you being yourself is the best thing anyone could have."
"jotaro.." he embraced me in a tight hug. I enjoy this.
I slapped his butt and he squealed.
"cmon now, we don't have much longer till we gotta go" i went to grab my jacket as he hurriedly finished getting ready and we both left our room.

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