Chapter 4

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Jotaro's pov

My head felt fuzzy as I opened my eyes, the light blinding me. As I waited for my vision to adjust, I felt a weight on top of me. Kakyoin?! I mean he looked really cute just lying on my chest, I petted his soft cherry locks. I'm sure straight guys can find other dudes attractive. Right?
I could feel something around my member.
It hit me like a fucking train. It's in? wait, kakyoin, no?!? Yes?!? We had.. sex? A million thoughts were rushing through my head. That's.. Well.. Shocking.
I tried to remember and concentrate on what happened last night but I could only remember gramps rambling about this caesar guy he liked and polnareff and avdol making out. The rest was a blur.
I felt some movement so I pretended to be asleep.
I heard a sigh from kakyoin.
"I wish I could stay like this forever but"
I felt his warm hands caress my face as he trailed off. Then I heard a whisper shout.
"*gasp* oh shit!? he didn't pull out?"
I felt him slowly moving his ass up off of me trying to not 'wake' me up. It took all my strength to not get hard, especially as he was tight. I squinted watching him stumble and limp to the bathroom, my cum dripping down his legs.
Im straight, I only like girls, I think, but clearly not after witnessing that. Maybe it isn't what it seems, I was drunk after all. I mean, I never did like any of the girls at my school, they were all annoying and loud, 'jotaro this' 'jotaro that' but kakyoin never did that, he was my.. Best? Friend? No no, I don't want to ruin that, I'm just confused. I'll have to ask him about last night later.

He came out of the bathroom and got dressed. I half watched hoping to not seem creepy but damn he has a nice body, all the right curves and his muscles that were so defined in an elegant way and his unique scars that were so beautiful. I noticed some rather large purple dots all over his body, I went a deep red knowing I made them, I also noticed some bruised marks on his hip, thighs and ass. He glanced over to me every so often looking a little down and I had to quickly resume my 'sleeping'.

He sat down on a chair wincing, I guess I'm good in bed I smirked to my self, and he started reading a book. After about ten minutes, I decided I should get up.
*yawn* (half fake)
"Good morning jojo, sleep well?" he smiled down at me. I pretended to rub the sleep out of my eyes
"surprisingly well considering last nights drinking" I sat up and tied the blanket around my waist not questioning why I was naked, I walked to the bathroom, noticed a pile of my clothes on the floor, presumably from yesterday, and jumped in the shower. I wondered if kakyoin would ever bring up last night . I might have to make the first move. I walked back out to get fresh clothes, I had a towel wrapped dangerously low around me.
"like what you see?" I raised an eyebrow playfully
".. Um" it took a second for him to process what he was doing, "I'm sorry! I didnt mean to stare my eyes just went that way and you were there and I mean have you seen yourself? It's pretty hard to not look, and the shower water and the low towel, itmakesyoulooktentimeshotterandimjustweirdimsorry" he quickly stared down at the floor. I walked over and lifted his chin up. Oh how I love those purple eyes and his cherry hair. I snapped out of my day dream before it got too awkward.
"it's fine," I leant down to his ear,"I've done the same to you" I stood up straight and walked back to my clothes picking up my hat that was discarded on the floor.

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