Chapter 2

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The Unordinary Life Of Ben Tennyson

Chapter 2


Ben sighed when he saw John trying to help someone

"Hey- You nee- Look out!"(Ben)

John was punched in the face. Ben sighed and reached for his wrist but.. John threw the guy across the hall..

"Jesus how strong are you?"(Ben)

"Years of training! Although we should 100% run now before we get our asses kicked!"(John)

"Eh, before you get your ass kicked"(Ben)

"Very helpful."(John)


Wellston Lunch Room

Did Ben push over 8 people for a slice of chocolate cake? Yes. Was it worth it? Abso-fucking-lutely. Ben ate the entire thing in about 3 seconds flat. He turned his attention to.. Where John should have bee- Oh he's getting beaten up by a girl with purple hair

"Hey! Leave him alone! It may be a godly slice of cake but don't hurt him-"(Ben)

"Is he sticking up for the cripple?"(Random student)

"Must have a death wish"(Random Student 2)

"It's called Empathy you fuc-"(Ben)

He was cut off by getting launched across the room. He broke a wall.. He started to laugh like a crazy person

"Alright! That's how you want to play this? Fine! I've been wanting to let loose!"(Ben)

"Is he going to fight the queen!?"(Random Student 3)

"What kind of flowers would he want on his grave?"(Random student 4)

"Why are you asking?"(Random student 3)

"He's hot-"(Random Student 4)

"He's alrigh-"(Random Student 3)

"No I mean literally on fire"(Random Student 4)

A seemingly humanoid plasma-based thing that seemed to be composed of a bright inner plasma body covered by dark red or brown rocks. It's body radiated pure heat as he stood out of the wall. He was still laughing as he stood up.

"..What are you?"(???)

The rocky face seemingly grinned at the question. Ben has been preparing 3 years for this question

"I'm your worst nightmare. Heatblast!"(Ben)

It then seemingly realized the building caught fire and reabsorbed the flames back into itself

"Okay maybe that's too much property damage.."(Ben)

The rocky thing smacked the green hourglass symbol on its chest, a flash of green light surrounded it. Now stood- Well floated, seemingly a ghost with green chains covering parts of it's body

"Ghostfreak? Alright as long as I don't get possessed by Zs-"(Ben)

The god tier seemingly went right through the ghost

"Have you never heard of a ghost? Intangibility and all that jazz. Hey you mind i-"(Ben)

Another flash of green light and Ben was now human. He glanced at his wrist glaring at the watch

"...You traitor."(Ben)

Ben was knocked out. He woke up in a doctors office next to John

"...Where the hell am I-?"(Ben)

"I hope you idiots don't make this a daily occurence."(???)

Ben turned his head to the voice

"Yeah.. Sorry Doc.."(John)

"Sorry doesn't change the fact you ruined my lunch break."(Doc)

"I get the feeling you want to murder us.."(Ben)

"Very much so, yes."(Doc)

"oK lEtS gO-"(Ben)

"Wait hold up, why didn't you tell me you had such a cool ability?"(John)

"You never asked."(Ben)

"Fair enough- But why did you not use it? You powered down before the fight."(John)

"Oh that. My omnitr- Ability ran out of power before I could start to fight back.."(Ben)

"That's.. weird.."(John)

"A lot of what I do is weird"(Ben)

"Fair enough!"(John)

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