Chapter 5

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The Unordinary Life Of Ben Tennyson

Chapter 5

Damn I'm so Hot Invisible People Stalk Me.

"Wow! Sorry ma'am just short of a prize! You got a 4! That's really impressive thou-"(Booth Boi)

"Bullshit! You only gave me a four!? YOU'RE A FRAUD! I want my money back!"(Karen?)

"Ma'am- You can't just-"(Booth guy boi)

"Lissten, if I don't get my money i'll bl;ow this booth to bits"(Karen.)

"Hey crazy lady, stop being a jerk."(Ben)


"Pardon? You just threatened to blow up this gentlemens booth, it'd be a damn shame if my ability were to record what I see and hear wouldn't it? A threat to someones well being and workplace? That should land you in a jail cell!"(Ben)

The woman let out a frickin growl powering up her ability, a ball of bright condensed energy forming in each hand. Then John suddenly yelled at the top of his lungs calling bloody murder!


"Ooh smart move John"(Ben)


"Miss. What's going on here?"(Security Guard)

"I- They- I- Well- HE-"(Karen)

"She threatened to blow this guys stall up because she didn't win! I have footage to prove it!"(Ben)

"You have actual footage?"(Security Guard)

"Video and audio."(Ben)

"Do I even need to listen to this or are you going to get the hell out of the mall?"(Security Guard)

"...Where's the manager"(Karen)

Ben instantly recognized the man's smile.

'Oh you poor fool'(Ben)

"I am the manager ma'am."(Security Manager)

The woman was escorted out and Ben didn't even try to fight the grin on his face.

"So.. I assume your here to get your abilities read?"(Booth guy boi man)

"They are! I'm.. a cripple."(John)

John shoved Ben and Sera in front of the Booth guy boi man at the booth, said booth guy boi man at the booth grabbed Sera's hand his eyes glowing

"Wow. Impressive, a level 8."(Booth Guy Boi Man Ability Man)

"Oh cool so it's touch based, me next!"(Ben)

Ben grinned reaching out his right hand. The ability gauger grabbed his right hand and his ability turned off, the gauger frowned.

"Sir, you don't have an ability"(Booth Guy Boi Man Ability Man Man)

"Incorrect buckaroo, watch- Pun intended and learn"(Ben)

With his arms behind his back he smacked the omnitrix and followed by a flash of green light now stood a large orange dog-like creature with no eyes, ears, nose, or tail. He stands on all fours and his movements are somewhat apelike. His teeth are very defined and his bottom jaw sticks out of his mouth. The various spines found all across his body function similarly to whiskers with tactile sensing, and are not fur despite looking rather fluffy. The dog like creature froze immediately as it growled at.. Seemingly air? This growl confused.. Well everyone besides the creature itself. The creature smacked a collar around its next and reverted to Ben

"We're being watched by someone invisible. Why?"(Ben)


"I smelt them and I even heard their breathing right there."(Ben)

The young brunette pointed at the air. John had seemingly noticed too, a sound of footsteps running away filled the air

"Damn, I know I'm hot and all but for someone to stalk me? That's a confidence boost if i've ever seen- smelt one"(Ben)

"I'm sorry.. You.. Noticed you were being watched? That's.. Probably a security guard?"(Gauger)

"Right, if I ever happen to notice anyone stalking me again they'll be mauled in self defense, anyways later booth man! We have some more shopping to do, right guys?"(Ben)

"..Where's the invisible guy?"(Sera)



"Oh- I- Uh- You didn't hear him running away?"(John)

"I mean yeah, of course I did! I never missed anything"(Ben)

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