Chapter 36

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Trigger Warning: Abuse, Drug Use, Actual Murder, and Kidnapping

The unORDINARY Life of Ben Tennyson

Chapter 36

Ben opened his eyes slowly. Trying to adjust to the room around him

"Look who's awake. Hell of a fighter!"(???)


"Am I? I'm your worst nightmare."(???)





"You aren't even in the top 10 then."(Ben)

"Your an interesting little fellow y'know?"(???)

"I'm a minor sir."(Ben)

"You know what I meant, your ability works so differently than every other I've encountered. Makes me curious what else is different."(???)

"For starters I can bang your wife better than the average ma-"(Ben)

"No, I meant more practically, also don't assume kid. I'm single."(???)


"Still woozy eh? Impressive your even awake. We gave you enough drugs to put down a bull."(???)

"What do you want from me-?"(Ben)

"I want to learn. What do you do? You transform but what's your passive?"(???)

"Passive aggressiveness."(Ben)

"Hm, sarcastic huh? We'll get that out of you soon enough. Tell me, do you bleed like normal?"(???)


"Let's find out-"(???)

"Hey- before you- before you do-"(Ben)


"Rule one of Ben Warfare, always tie the hands right."(Ben)

He said before a flash of green light followed and he was suddenly a being made of plants, with a head that looked like it was a flame or blooming flower, maybe a mix of both. He put his hands forwards to attack but- his arms were cut off before he could. They fell to the ground and before the vines connecting could regrow, his head was cut off.

"Can you still hear me? Your never leaving here Benjamin. Your stuck until we can solve your problem."(???)




"Hey uh- Tennyson man!"(Isen)


"We got a signal- in this city, it's exact location I can't figure out without more time."(Isen)

"Mark it down, we're heading out."(Max)

"It would take way too long to find him-"(Isen)

"I've got favors I can call in.. Let's see.. "(Max)

The older man began mumbling names of people who could help, Isen picked up Gwen and Helen but not the rest. He assumed one of them had a speed or tracking ability, maybe teleportation.. Wherever Ben was, it couldn't be that bad.




He screamed in agony as the blade carved delicately into his flesh. The man from before left. Leaving him alone with the sadistically practical Volcan, his arms tied in opposite directions, not allowing him to transform, the flaming claws carving the back of his flesh. Leaving what he could only assume was the Ember calling card

"Aww, something wrong little hero?"(Volcan)

"Yeah- How fucking ugly you are-"(Ben)

The claws cut deeper than before, forcing a scream from his lungs.

"HELP ME!"(Ben)

He screamed loudly. The words leaving his mouth before he could stop them. Earning a chuckle from the woman doing the horrific deed. He fought back and succeeded in stopping the tears that threatened to leave his eyes.

Ben's breathing had gotten ragged. His vision blurry. He felt a wave hitting him. Not a wave of anything, but a wave of defeat and overwhelming dread. A spark coming from his left wrist followed by a growing feeling in the pit of his stomach, something ancient and animalistic threatening to spread out of him. He scowled and grimaced

"Feeling weaker? Well it's about to get worse. We'll see how many doses you can take before that ability is gone."(Volcan)

The needle went into his neck and slowly injected. He let out a low growl

"Did- did you just fucking growl?"(Volcan)

She sounded pleasantly surprised. Like she had caught him doing something embarrassing.

"Fuck off."

He uttered in a voice far from his own

"Different voice changer little hero?"(Volcan)

A sickening cracking sound filled the air, Ben's wrist seemed to be bending the wrong way. In a second the dial was slammed down on it. A pile of false white skin on the floor as a low sound was heard through the air

"What's wrong little human?! WHATS WRONG?! ARE YOU SCARED NOW?! This is the end of your short, miserable life you disgusting mortal. You harmed the Lord of the Anur System, you will pay dearly."

It's voice sounded like thousands of dead souls speaking at once. All that was seen was the silhouette, a scythe in the air and an upside down skull in a cloak. The room had a slight purple tint to it.

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