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Evelyn's POV:

I got a weird dream yesterday. Daddy was back. How?

We are currently at set I don't know what that means but we are in a trailer. There are so many people here that mommy has me inside. I don't mind.

"Hey there, how are you feeling. All good" mommy ask

"Yup" I say as I look up at her.

"So I am not gonna be gone in one hour. So what do you wanna do?" I think back to when she was packing my bag. I saw some books with crayons. I wave my hand like I am coloring.

"You want to color?" I nod my head. "Okay lets color then"

We spend coloring until she has to leave. She leaves me with this lady. She is very sweet. She took me to the park. We are currently walking.

"Please, look at her. You must of seen her." Its the lady from the center. I tug at Melissa. She looks down and raises her eye brows. I making grabby hands and she picks me up.

"What is it Evelyn? You wanna go back now?"

"Yes, want mommy" She nods and starts walking. I hide in her shoulder. I can see them asking every person they see. I don't want to go back.


Lizzie's POV:

As we finish the scene I see Melissa with Evelyn in her arms.

"Alright guys thank you so much. We will give you guys a breakm we will call you later tonight for reshoots."

I walk over to the snack table. I get myself a bottle of water.

"Hey Melissa! How was she?"

"She was good. Something bothered her tho. She suddenly wanted to go back."

"Hm? I will ask her. Thank you again" I scoop Evelyn from Melissa. I make my way to the makeup trailer. Evelyn sits on my lap the whole time. Looking at the stylist take my make up of.



"Ouchie" I furrow my eyebrows.

Kelly speaks " Oh no sweetie. She is not hurt. Its just make up see" she wipes my face removing a "wound"

Oh that's what she is talking about. I giggle at her. The door's open the door to the trailer. There walks in Evans.

"Hey where is the pretty princess." Evelyn turns around she jumps of from my lap. She runs to him and literally tackles him. "I'm okay"

Me and Kelly laugh at them.

"Look what I got you" He pulls out a Scarlett Witch doll. Aw how swe- WAIT

"Chris really?"

"What she gots to know who her mom is?" I tear up on what Evans says.

"Mommy its you" she waves the doll in my face. I giggle at her.

"I can see that. What do you say to Chris"

"Thank you!" She goes for another hug but this one is softer.

She seems fine now. Melissa said she started to act weird outside. I will talk to her about it later. Right now I want her distracted.

Everything is gonna be okay

My Baby [Adopted by Elizabeth Olsen]Where stories live. Discover now