I want Daddy

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Lizzie's POV:

Its been 2 week now. Eve started to talk more. After that day she said said she saw her dad. I been looking into her family. Her dad had died one year ago.

Maybe she saw something that reminded her of him. But what I've read he wasn't good. He had a lot of reports of robbery and abuse. The police actually found him dead. A bullet to his chest.

Its very sad to hear how she lost her parents. Her mom well they actually don't know what happened to her. She had left Evelyn at the center and never came back. Her mom had only been there for her for 2 years. No wonder she still had a mind of a baby.

Now its my responsibility to give her everything she didn't have. I will do anything for her.


Eve is currently taking a nap. While I am cooking some lunch. I had taken 2 weeks off from filming. Filming two things at the same time is tiring.

I had been in touch with Scarlett but she started to film her movies. Chris had come around a few times. I also had a meeting to attend next week. Something about my character Wanda.

I had finished the food. So it was time to wake up Evelyn. I put the food on the table to be ready. I washed my hands and heading to her room. She had adjusted to sleeping by herself.

I peak my head in to see her still sleeping. Her brown hair all over the place. I smiled down at her. She had been more clingy to me. Which I don't mind. She had been tugging on my shirt a lot. Which that makes me wonder if her mom actually breast fed her.

"Evelyn sweet heart, wakey wakey" I said while rubbing her back. She groaned and rolled on her back. She rubbed her eyes.

"Cmon baby. Time for lunch, you gotta eat something" She opened her eyes adjusting to the light. She sat up and sighed. It was silent for while until she looked up to me and said:

 It was silent for while until she looked up to me and said:

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I didn't know what to say. She had been talking been talking about him. Saying that he was here. That he has been following us. At first it scared me. But I did my research and her dad had died.

"Baby, your daddy is gone."

"No, he's here. I want him" she said back to me. She had raised her voice a little.

"You know daddy is not um how do I put this

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"You know daddy is not um how do I put this. He's not coming back." I don't know what to tell her. I can't just tell her he died. But yet again I can't say he's away.

She sighed and looked down. She got down from her bed. She ran towards her window.

"He, he was here." She said as she looked outside. "Mami is in tr-trouble"

I didn't say anything. I let her get out what she was trying to say. I furrowed my eyebrows waiting for her to continue.

"B-but mami gone" she looked at me as she said that. She walked towards me and raised her hands up. I picked her up and made her rest on my hip.

"What do you mean your mom is gone?" I decided to ask her some few questions. Let her tell me what she remembers about them.

"Left me, wh-while." She stoped talking and looked back at the window. "Daddy got hurt."

I kissed her head and rubbed her back. She had stopped talking there. Which I slowly made my walk towards the kitchen.

She started to eat. But only ate half which was fine. I helped her brush her teeth. I let her try on her own while I brushed her hair. She had been looking down all this time. I know she thinking about him. I put my hand under her chin. Slowly making her looking me.

"You know your daddy is with you right here" I said as I pointed my finger on her heart. "Even tho daddy wasn't a very good man. He must of still had a special place for you"

"He hurt mami." Abuse. That's what comes to my mind. She had witnessed him hitting his wife. "Evil man came and and. He died."

"What evil man?"

"Man from-from doctor's." What man from the doctor's. The only man that were there were the cops. Is she talking about them?

"The cops. Do you mean the cops that scared you?" She nodded her head. Oh god she had gone through so much. I didn't ask nothing else. This meant she had seen her dad's death. I hugged her. She had seen her own father get shot by the police. Which is why she freaked out at the doctor's.

I holding her for a while. She didn't say not else. She made grabby hands at me which I picked her up. She put her head on the crock of my neck. She played with my necklace.

I feel so bad for her. She had gone through so much at just a small age. This made me feel like I should do more. I can give her and do what her mom didn't. But I can't give her the other side. Of having a father again.

She hasn't asked me about it either. Which was my fear when she told her about me becoming her official mom. I wasn't even in a relationship.

I went to the living room and sat down. I turned on the tv and put some cartoons on. She took and deep breath  and moved her hands around my chest.

As early, I been thinking about if her mom every fed her. She liked skin to skin contact. So maybe she had that a lot with her mom. I had been doing my research about on what age should they stop breastfeeding. She had already past the age. But it mostly said that it will be the mother decision when to stop.

Maybe I should try it. I mean it will be weird. I'll look into it. There are apparently pills I can take. To help me produce milk.

I turned off my phone. I looked down and saw she was sucking on her thumb. I reached over to get her pacifier. I took her thumb out and put the pacifier in her mouth.

We sat there watching cartoons. My sisters were coming tomorrow. So they'll meet Evelyn. I hope Evelyn will be good tomorrow. I kissed her head and started to rub her back.

I really hope she understands her dad isn't alive anymore. But when she finds out what he did. I don't want her to hate him aswell.



Sorry I haven't posted a new chapter. I been busy this week with tests and stuff. I had only posted in my other book bc they were ready.

I decided to give a little more background to Evelyn's story. Also I had a request from dojacatfalling.
Thank you again for the idea. It will come up very soon.

I will glady take your ideas and request. Really hope you are enjoying this book. Sorry again for the posting. I'll see you in the next chapter.

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