Tell your baby, that I'm your baby

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Lizzie's POV:

Its been a couple days now. Being in and out of the hospital. Jac called me to come in to shoot scenes. I've met the cast and I really like them so far.

But my mind was always somewhere else. Evelyn. My little Eve. My baby.

She was still in the hospital. Paul had some minor injuries. But he was okay, he can't do to much.

We filed a report to the cops. They had sent security for me. Both me and Paul had at least two following us. Jennifer and Agnes were doing okay.

Today I had to work a bit longer than usally. I just want to be with Eve. She had a minor head injury. She still remembers, which is good.

They still haven't told me the events. Nor Paul would say anything, I mean he couldn't.

Eve was still to weak to come home. She was stuck at the hospital with wires connected to her small figure.  They couldn't stop her cries, and had let me in.

She hadn't said anything at all. She will just nod or whine. Never said one word.

I had been told kids tend to do this. When a tramatic event happens. They tend to go all quiet. I just want her to say something. One word. Just one.

I get pulled out of my thoughts when I hear familiar voice.

"Lizzie?" I quickly wipe my face when I feel my tears running down. I stand up but then quickly sitting back down.

Right I didn't eat lunch today. I was too worried of shooting all my scenes.

"Oh honey you don't look so good" The blue eyed brunette said. She came towards me and sat down.

"I- I just wanna go see her" I say not staring at the person I've become close to. Kathryn.

"I know you do, but stop working yourself to the point you skip lunch" I sigh. She knows.

"I did ea-" I feel her hand on my chin. Slowly Kathryn lifts my head up to look at her. Her bright blue eyes staring at my green ones.

"Nuh ugh. Having just water isn't enough." She pulled something behind her. "Now I got something for you to eat. I got something for myself too. Here"

She passes me a subway sandwich. As well as a drink and chips. Kathryn gets up to pull the coffee table towards us.

I had my break, that means I have to go back to shoot. As if Kathryn read my mind. She turns around.

"By the way you have the rest of the day off. Well not really, you have to come back at night." She says as she takes out some napkins. Placing them on the coffee table. "So you can eat, freshen up. Then you can go see your baby. Finally I want you to go home and rest."

"Thank you Kathryn. Really, you didn't have to." I say. I feel the tears coming again. I feel a hand on my thigh. Kathryn sends me a soft smile and gestures for me to eat.

I give a small smile back and take my first bite. In the few weeks of knowing Kathryn. She really has been so sweet. Its like we just clicked together. She had been with me when Paul can't.

After an hour goes by of us just sitting in silence eating. Its been nice. I let myself relax for once.

Still having Evelyn in my mind.

But knowing I'm okay now. Just needed someone here with me. Kathryn being that person right now.

She had cleaned up the table and threw the remains in the trash. She had held my hand sometimes. So I know she was there.

My Baby [Adopted by Elizabeth Olsen]Where stories live. Discover now