Why did she call you mommy?

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Evelyn's POV:

Its my turn to take pictures. There is many flashes. It takes me a mintue to adjust. After a while I want to leave. I'm done. I turn to look at Chris he give me a thumbs up.


I turn over and see Robert. I quickly run to him. He takes my hand and leads me behind a red curtain. Once we pass it, I see a lot of people. More cameras flashing. People screaming.




I hear people scream. Its kinda scaring me. I pull on Roberts sleeve. He looks down at me.

"I want mommy"

"Your mom is busy right now okay. Why don't you got over to Scarjo and Brie huh?"

I shake my head no. I don't feel comfortable here. He leads me over to them. I look around seeing some of the cast with other people.

I spot mommy taking some pictures. I go to run to her but then someone calls me over.

"Evelyn come here" Its Scarlett. I start making my way over to her. I see her taking some last few pictures. With some man.

 With some man

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"Evelyn hi. Your mommy told me to look after you. How about I show you around."

I nod. The man that was with her leaves. Not without giving Scarlett a kiss on the cheek. Scarlett brings me to the spot where she was standing. She fixes my hair a little bit.


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After walking around with Scarlett. We head over to the people. I keep holding Scarlett's hand. As she starts walking over to the people. I see them wearing the same clothes mommy was wearing. All of the sudden everyone starts shouting all at once. I flinch back.

"Wow, okay guys I know you are all excited. But why not calm down for a bit." Scarlett says. She lets go of my hand. One of the girls waves at me, and I wave back.


"Evelyn over here"

How do they know my name. I move a little closer to Scarlett. I see her writing stuff on some pictures. I see something that catches my eye. I slowly walk over.

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