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Evelyn's POV:

I was currently drinking a bottle of milk. While mommy was doing my hair. We were going out today, going to a meeting. I don't know why I am going. Mommy had me read a page of something. It looked like the ones she gets when we are at set. Right now she kept asking me questions.

"So again when they ask your name you say." She says finishing one of my braid.

"Evelyn OLSEN!!" I exclaim making her laugh. She bends down and kisses my cheek.

"How old are you?"

"F-four" She wets my hair started the second braid.

"What do you like to do?"



After she finished doing my hair. She told me to go to my room and make my bag. Mommy had been teaching me how to pack a bag. So that's what I did. I put some color books, and crayons. Putting extra pair of clothes. As I went to look for Mr. Snuggles. I remember he wasn't here.

He was gone. I couldn't find him anymore. I don't know where he went. Kath gave me a new bunny. But it didn't feel right. I looked down at the bunny in my hands.

I hear a knock in my door and see mommy standing at the door way.

"Oh baby. I promise you we will find him. Okay." She came up to me crouching down. Giving me a kiss on the forhead. "Don't cry. Your gonna make me cry. I don't like seeing you sad baby."

She wipes my tears away and grabs my bag. She extends her hand towards me which I take. We go down the stairs. Getting some snacks and water.

She picks me up once we reach the car. She buckles me in and puts the bag at the other side of the chair.


Elizabeth's POV:

Stopping at a red light I check in the rearview mirror. Seeing Eve staring out the window. I hate seeing her sad, ever since she lost her bunny. It was sweet of Kathryn getting her a new one.

After reading over the emial again. I decided to accept the offer. They had reached out for Eve to play a role in a project. Which I soon to find out it was Godzilla. They told me it was a small little part. God it made me remind me of when I filmed Godzilla.

I talk to the directors just wanted to know when they will start shooting. Since I'm heading london soon, I don't wanna leave my baby alone. Since we are wrapping Wandavision and doing a bit of filming of another project. All should be good.

I also made sure Eve had a passport ready. Which she did but a new one is coming since the other one still has her previous last name.

They gave me the script for the scenes she was gonna be in. As I talked to them about how it will work. They had Eve and Vera meet. A few other cast members which I wasn't allowed to see.

We finished up the little meet. I thank them and go get Eve. I see her and Vera casually playing with a couple toys. Vera looks up and smiles at me, which I do back.

"Baby would mind cleaning up. We gotta go now." I say and Eve says a small 'okay'. She runs up to me and hugs. "Go say bye please"

She quickly turns around and gives Vera a hug. I mouth a quick sorry to her and she waves it off. Telling me it is okay and how cute Eve is. We say our goodbyes and back to the car. I'm glad this place isn't surrounded with paparazzi.

I buckle Eve in her car seat and get myself in the car. I set a couple things I had in my hand to the passenger seat. When I see that I had a couple texts.

My Baby [Adopted by Elizabeth Olsen]Where stories live. Discover now