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George would be the youngest Sheriff there ever was. Being only 21 years of age when the precious Sheriff passed away and the position became open. All his competition somehow vanished once it was announced that the current Sheriff had passed. Every man who George would have had to compete with went missing or showed up dead, and even though George swore he had nothing to do with it your parents did not believe him. They forbid you and your brother from seeing him.

George now lived in the castle in the city of Nottingham, which made it harder to see him already but with your parents forbidding you from seeing him it felt almost impossible. Your brother tried to reason with your mother, telling her that George was not to blame for the things that happened. Your mother disagreed, telling your brother that George was the only logical person who would have gotten rid of all his competitors.

"Mother please." You plead with her one afternoon while your father and brother were off working on the estate.

"Y/N I already spoke with your brother about this and me and your fathers decision stands. You are not to see the Sheriff." She couldn't even utter his new title without giving a look of disgust.

"He didn't do it! You have never liked George, you don't even know him I do! He wouldn't do something like this, please reconsider." You yelled.

"You will not speak to me like that! He's already poisoning your mind. You stay away from him!" She yelled back.

Later that night your brother came home from working on the estate with you father. He overheard your mother telling your father about your outburst earlier. He felt sorry for you, yes George was his best friend but you were in love with George. James has known of your mutual feelings for eachother since you were 12.

Your mother yelled up the stairs to you that dinner was ready, but you didn't move. You laid with your stomach first on your bed and your head hanging off the edge. You didn't want to eat, you didn't want to move, you just wanted to see George. She yelled again but again you ignored her, eventually she shook her head and rolled her eyes walking back to the kitchen.

"Where's Y/N/N? Your brother asked.

"Still throwing a temper tantrum in her room because of that boy." Your mother said plainly.

"Maybe that's because you're both being uncooperative and won't even hear George's side of the story." Your brother argued.

"Don't you start, he's a bad man." Your father replied, pointing his fork at your brother.

"Neither of you know him, he's been my best friend my entire life and Y/N's."

"Oh please, your sister is not his friend, she's infatuated with him. This little crush of her's will fade soon enough." Your mother rolled her eyes.

"It won't. I'm not hungry either." James threw his napkin on the table and exited the kitchen. You heard a knock at your door.

"I'm not coming down, mother." You said angrily.

"It's me, may I come in?" Your brother asked.

"Yes." He walked to your bed sitting beside your head.

"I know you miss him, I do too. I know our situations are a little different but."

"What do you mean different?" You asked. He smiled at you. You still thought he had no clue about you and George. He had caught you sneaking to the woods with George many times when he was working on the estate.

"He's my best friend, but he's your lover. I've seen you two sneaking around together, I've known of your feelings for him since I was 14. I know you love him, and he loves you."

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