Heart Of My Heart

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The next few days were tough. You broke the news of your fathers death to your mother and when she found out it was James who delivered the fatal blow she was outraged and heartbroken. The love of her life murdered by her own son. Of course James was devastated by how upset your mother was. George tried his best to do right by her, he offered her a room in the castle to live out the rest of her days. He knew full well without James or your father around the estate there was no way she could possibly keep up with all the yard and house work. Your father only had a handful of servants without your father there to bring in money they would surely walk out leaving her to do everything herself. Your mother was not old by any means but she was not young either, there was no way she could possibly do it all herself.

"Please mama, you will be well cared for in the castle. Me and James will be here, we can see you everyday." You pleaded with her.

"Mrs. Y/L/N plese. I know we have had our differences in the past, but you are my mother in law whether you like it or not. It is my duty to do right by you... I want to do right by you, please let me." George insisted.

"George I want you to know that I personally never had any quarrel with you. I always thought very fondly of you. My husband however.... I don't know why he had such hatred for you, I never understood it. You treated our son like a brother and always treated our daughter like the gem she is. Some part of my husband just couldn't accept you, I will never understand why. But for a long time I thought of you as a son. I don't know when I allowed my husband's views to rub off on me, I know it caused both of you a lot of pain and heartache and for that I am sorry. I appreciate your offer, but I have lived in that house for years and I have always said it will be the place I spend the rest of my life. I cannot abandon it." You hugged your mother. There were tears in your eyes but you didn't let them fall.

"I love you mama, of course I forgive you."

"We both do. I never knew if I had done something to turn you against me. It just seemed as if your opinion of me had changed so fast. I racked my brain trying to think of what I could have done. You have always been like the mother I never had. James the brother I never had and Y/N.. Y/N has always been the love of my life." He looked lovingly at you.

"I understand you don't want to abandon your home. I admire that. I am going to send over some of my servants. They will be paid by me and they will look after the property. Do all the yard work, look after the estate, anything you need they will do. It's the least I can do." George insisted.

"Thank you George." She sniffled. "I uh, I brought you all a housewarming gift." She picked up three small boxes from the floor and handed one to each of you. You, James and George all opened them and inside were your old stockings that hung from the fireplace every Christmas season. Yours red, James' Blue and George's green."I thought it would be a good thing to bring from your old home to your new home."

"Oh mama." You hugged her again.

"Thank you Mrs. Y/L/N." George called.

"It's mama George you are my son after all." She pulled away from you and went to him.

"Yes you are." He smiled, embracing her. "Thank you mama."

"You're welcome."

She hugged your brother and you all had a nice day together. George took you and your mother around the back gardens. He held one of you on each arm as he showed you every flower, tree and bush. You sat there for a couple of hours and just talked. It had been a long time since you could just sit and talk with your mother and now being able to include George. It may seem like something so small to everyone else but to you it meant so much.

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