How Could You!?

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You were now getting ready for the party this evening.  You were dressed in your dark red dress that strapped around the back of your neck.  It stopped right below your knee and showed a bit of cleavage.  You made sure to look extra beautiful tonight, putting in all your effort. Mostly because you knew George would be there and you wanted to tease him a little bit. 

Once you were done and ready you went downstairs to wait for the rest of your family to finish up.  Once everyone was ready you all departed together, Robin was going to meet you all at the party.  Earlier that day you and James hid a bag full of stuff that you would need if you decided to leave that night with George.  

You all departed and made it to the party only minutes after it started.  You excused yourself from the rest of your family to look for George.  You wandered around the party for a few minutes and after your family was out of sight you were pulled into a nearby room.  

“Well don’t you just look ravishing.”  George grabbed your hips and pushed you against the door after reaching around you and locking it.  

“Mm, you look rather handsome yourself Sheriff.”  Your bodies were smooshed together, your arms around his shoulders and snaking up around his neck.  

“Mm I like hearing that from your lips. However I think I’d like hearing it better if you were naked, in my bed screaming it for all to hear.”  He whispered, his hot breath against your ear making you shutter.  

“Kiss me.”  You whined. He didn’t wait another second to crash his lips onto yours. Your hands that were around his neck moved to hold both his cheeks as you pulled him closer to you.  You rubbed his beard with your hand, loving the way it felt against your palm.  When you used to sit together in your secret spot in the woods you used to lay with your head on his shoulder and caress his beard.  You could remember when George just started to get facial hair, he had decided to let it grow to see how it looked.  You fell in love with how it looked on him which was the main reason he decided to keep it.  

“I love you.”  George said, resting his head against yours.  

“I love you too. I wish we could just hide in here all night.”  

“Why can’t we?”  George grabbed both yours hands in his and walked backwards to the bed where he sat down and pulled you to sit on his lap.  His hands instinctively go to your hips to hold you.  

“Because Robin will be here soon and he’s going to come looking for me.  I don’t know what he might do if he sees me with you.” You rubbed his cheek with your thumbs.  

“You know damn well if he tries to hurt me or you I’ll have him arrested and hung before he can blink.” George purred into your hand.  He reached up and grabbed both your cheeks, making you look at him.  “Runaway with me. Leave with me tonight. Your brother sent me a letter explaining that you had a bag ready behind the stable at your home… Please come with me back to the castle. We, we can leave the party early and go get your things. I can’t stand the idea of you spending anymore time with that man, I want you all to myself.  Leave with me.”  

“You think you're ready to deal with me every single day?”  You teased, wrapping both arms around his neck.  He placed his head against your chest.

“I’m positive. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.”  He kissed under your chin making you look at him. “It’s time for you to come home love.” 

“I think you’re right.”  You smiled at one another, now sitting in silence trying to enjoy the last few moments you had together before the party interrupted you.  

Forbidden. Sheriff of NottinghamWhere stories live. Discover now