Play With Me🍋

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One more chapter left guys.


You and George walked into the hall arm in arm and everyone bowed as you passed.  You and your husband took your seats at the head of the table while everyone else got situated.  

“I would like to thank all of you for being here to celebrate our marriage.  This is a night of celebration and good fun so please, eat, drink and enjoy yourselves.”  George announced before everyone dug into their food. You looked around the table and noticed you didn’t know too many people there. You had spent all your time on your estate so you’d have to spend some time getting to know all these people.  

Your eyes traveled to your brother over on the other side of the table down a few chairs.  He was staring down at his plate, not eating, just pushing things around. A frown was embedded on his face. He felt awful about what he did to your father, you could tell.  

You got up and walked to your brother's side.  You put a hand on his shoulder in a soothing manner. He jumped a little, too zoned out to realize you had been approaching him.  

“Y/N I.” 

“Sh, it’s okay. I understand, please eat something for me.”  You hushed him. You heard him let out a sigh of relief when you kissed his cheek before returning to your spot next to George. George kissed your temple when you sat down and pushed your plate in front of you.

“You need to eat as well my dear.”  He insisted.

“I am darling. I just needed him to know I’m not angry at him. Maybe at first, but I understand he was just doing what he thought was best.”   

“I’m glad. I never want to see you and James at odds. You two are the closest siblings I’ve ever seen. I hate to see you fight.”  

“As much as I love him, I think the only reason we are so close is because of you. Your friendship with him brought us closer together. You being willing to bring me along with you on your adventures and treat me like a friend until you became my lover is something that brought me and James closer than we ever would have been without you. We are who we are because of you George, just as you are who you are today because of us.  We have all grown and matured into the people we are because we had each other.”  

“Very well put my queen.”  He smiled at you. 

The celebration had been going on for about an hour now and everyone was up dancing and singing. Almost everyone besides you, George and your brother had had a fair amount of wine and other alcohol by now so they were feeling no pain. You, George and James were the most sober of the group but you were having fun watching everyone dance and have fun. You and George had gotten up at one point to enjoy a dance together but the loud and fast music wasn’t either your speed so you decided to sit back down.  

“I think I’m ready to retire to our chambers for the evening, what do you think love?”  George asked, holding your hand.  

“I think you're right, I’d like to get our night started.”  You winked at him.  

“I was thinking the same thing.”  He smirked at you.  

“James were going to retire for the night. We’ll see you in the morning.”  You gave him a kiss on the cheek and George took your hand leading you back to your shared chambers.  He shut the door behind you and took your hand gently in his. 

“We never got to enjoy a proper dance. I know there’s no music but I’d like one slow dance with you. If you're okay with that.”  George asked, putting his hand on your waist.

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