The King Is Dead

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George shot up from his spot in bed. The king couldn't be dead, how did this happen so fast? You sat up so George could get up behind you.

"How did this happen?" He asked the servant to the king who was shaking in the doorway.

"We, we don't know my lord. He won't wake up, the king instructed me if anything were to ever happen to him that I come to you. The castle Doctor is on his way, I think he wants you there when he does his examination." The servant stuttered. George grabbed a walking stick that had been sitting in his chambers as a silly decoration and began to follow the servant to the king's chambers with you right behind. You took George's other arm to help steady him.

When you all entered the king's chambers he really was gone. You have never seen a dead body before, you weren't sure what you were expecting but it wasn't this. He was just there, not a single sign of life left in his body. He was so pale, his lips were blue and it scared you. You couldn't imagine ever finding George like that, the very thought of it made your stomach churn.

The doctor was already there waiting for George. George looked broken and you understood why. This is the man who gave him his first chance at a job outside his estate. You had no idea how close they may have been all these months George has been living here. He told you the king favored him, that must have meant they were close.

George sat beside the bed in a chair. For the first time you saw him show his softer side to anyone who wasn't you. He took the king's cold lifeless hand in his while the doctor started his examination. You stood behind George's chair with your hand on his shoulder. With his other hand that wasn't holding the kings he reached up and held your hand which was on top of his shoulder.

"My lady, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." The doctor said to you. You tried to pull away from George to exit the room but he didn't let you.

"She's with me, she stays." George insisted. The doctor nodded and continued his examination.

After the doctor finished his examination he told the servant to go get the castle priest to bless the body before moving it. George sat patiently and waited to hear what had happened.

"I'm afraid there was nothing anyone could have done. He simply passed from old age. I have heard that he was talking to you about taking his position, my guess is he knew his time was coming and he wanted to be prepared. I understand the two of you were close, he thought of you as the son he never had. I know you need time to grieve, but tomorrow at high noon you will be crowned king my Lord." The doctor told George. George couldn't really speak, he simply nodded his head. The priest came in and blessed the body.

"I don't want this getting out until morning. Keep it quiet, give the people close to him a chance to mourn before the castle is being bombarded by people." George instructed everyone before they turned in for the night. Everyone agreed and left to go back to their chambers since it was now very late.

Some of the men came to remove the body but George stopped them.

"Leave him. There's no need to move him until morning, let him rest. I don't want to disturb him, his body isn't even cold yet." George shooed the men away. They all nodded and left the room before they had even taken a step inside.

"Would you like me to give you a moment alone? Then we could talk in our chambers." You asked, giving his hand a comforting squeeze.

"Yes love, that would be appreciated." He pulled your hand that was still resting on his shoulder to his lips kissing it.

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