You Have Disobeyed Me For The Last Time

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Robin came home with you that night so he could talk to you and your father.  You were not happy about it and insisted that you not ride home on the back of Robin's horse.  Of course you couldn’t be mad at Robin for what George had done, but you didn’t want to be with Robin and you were going to be sure that remained obvious.  

Once you returned home your father ushered you and Robin into his office where he locked the door.  He sat at his desk and you and Robin stood waiting for whatever he was about to tell you both.

“I have decided that the wedding will be in 3 days time.  After the events of tonight I think it should be obvious to you who you should marry Y/N.  Robin is the obvious choice, you have now seen what the Sheriff is capable of.  He’s a murderer, he killed Robin's father and he will kill again when he sees fit. I will have the invites sent out and-”

“No.”  You interrupted him.

“Excuse me?”  

“I said no.  Robin, you are a wonderful person and I think we would be great friends but nothing more than that.  I’m sorry but I do not love you, I love George.  I know what he did was wrong and believe me I am furious with him, but it doesn’t change the fact that I love him.  I know that George feels guilty about what he’s done, and I know that he did it out of jealousy, an emotion he’s never experienced before.  I’m not saying it’s okay, but it doesn’t change the fact that he is the man I will love for the rest of my life.”  You argued.

“Y/N you will learn to love Robin.  He is the better man, he will be your husband, and the father of your children.  I am not asking you, I am telling you.  The wedding is in 3 days time so I suggest you be ready.”  Your father seethed.  “Now out. Off to bed with you, Robin and I have things to discuss.”  

You stormed out of the room and up to your bedroom.  Once there you stripped yourself of your dress and got into bed without even worrying about changing into your night clothes. You weren’t sure how long you had been asleep before you felt an arm around your waist and a chest against your naked back. At first you thought you were just dreaming it was George laying beside you in your dreams.  But once you felt breath on your neck you knew it was real.  You turned around fast, pulling up the blankets to cover your naked body.  

“What are you doing here?” You yelled at Robin who was in bed beside you in only a shirt and boxers.  

“It’s late your father told me to come sleep in your bed with you since we are to be wed in three days.  He believes it will help us get along better.”

“Robin, we get along just fine but you will never be my lover.  I love George, I know that must hurt you and I’m sorry but he is the man I love. Now I am very naked and very much not in the mood for my fathers antics so if you don’t mind I would rather you sleep somewhere else.”  You insisted. He respected your wishes and went downstairs to the living room where he slept on the couch for the night.  You felt dirty, he had seen you naked. 

After Robin left it took you ages to get back to sleep. All you could think about was George, you loved him so much and you wanted to forgive him but you were worried if he saw how easily you forgave him he would do it again.  The other worry you had was the fact that the wedding was in three days, which meant the engagement party would be the day after tomorrow.  Would you be able to forgive George and break the news to him in three days?  Of course you didn’t want to marry Robin but after the fight you had with George tonight would he really want you to leave with him in the next 2 days?  What if he changes his mind by the time he gets back to the castle and decides that you're not worth the trouble?  George was a very attractive man and he had his pick of many beautiful women around the castle.  He could have any of them, and it would be a lot easier. With so many thoughts swimming in your head you weren’t sure what time you actually fell asleep.  

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