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season one

episode six, cape queer

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episode six, cape queer.

LAYING in the hospital bed, Martín's eyes were shut. He could feel his body being shut down each minute, like everything and everyone around him was dying. When he gets the chance, Martín tries to contact Jake on the app and through his number.

However, Jake either left him on open and then delivered. A knock was heard at the door, he looks up to see Devon. "Hey man." He walks in, shutting the door behind him. "You okay?"

Martín shrugs, looking down. "Jake hates me so...what else do I have left to lose?" He laughed a bit. Devon frowned a bit, "I'm sorry. I always thought you two would be cute together." They both chuckle a bit. "I just..we're gonna get Chucky. Just rest, okay?" He explains.

Martín was shocked to hear Devon knew, but he gave in- slowly nodding. After he left, the door has shut...there revealed Chucky.

Martín's eyes widen, gulping a bit. "Before you could scream for help, I'm not here to kill you...as much as I want to." He let out that stupid sinister laugh Martín always hated. "Sorry about Jake finding out, why don't I make it up to you? You want Jake back?" Chucky asks, walking closer to him.

Martín shrugged, looking down. "Maybe you shouldn't have catfished him in the first place.." He tells the teen. "Whatever, what is it?"

"Glad you asked. Just lay down, close your eyes..and let me down my magic." He pulls a necklace out, "got it?"


WHISPERS attracted Martín as he walked down the hall like a zombie, eyes dark and red, paler than ever, his hair messy. Everyone easily knew Martín Cobain wasn't the same, they could tell..easily.

Chucky framed Rachel, the science teacher- so easily they were a guilt trip. Opening his locker, he felt a pair of hands touch his shoulder. jake. He hears a voice in his head speak. Turning around, revealed Devon, Lexy, and Jake. "Can I help you?"

The three looked at each other, knowing he wasn't himself. "Are you okay?" Lexy asked him. don't say anything. He heard the voice in his head say again. Martín shuts his locker, "why wouldn't I be? I'm stupid, made such a dumb decision...broke someone's heart, lied to them, I'm good Lexy, yeah I'm FUCKING amazing."

Martín didn't realize how loud he explained that, he felt eyes on him already. He shuts his eyes, opening them again to catch a breath. "Martín look- don't even dare, Wheeler." He interrupts. "What?" Jake asks.

"Don't forgive me now, I don't fucking deserve it.." He looked down. Jake tried to say something, but nothing ever came out. "Just leave me alone.." He mumbles before walking away, pulling his hoodie back up.

kill them..

kill them..

He hits his head, ignoring those stupid voices.

Back at home, it was now nighttime and Martín was tucking his sister into bed. "You look sick." Elena pointed out, touching his eyes. "I'm okay, Elena. Take your medicine and go to bed." He explained to his sister, whom nodded with a smile.

He walked out of the room, stopping in his tracks. kill her..kill your family..Martín looked around, gulping a bit. He didn't know if he should tell Jake or something, the teenager was easily getting scared. Quickly going to his room, he called Jake- waiting for him to answer.

However, Jake didn't answer. "Jake! Please call me when you get this...I'm scared man..Im hearing voices..I'm not crazy! I promise- please just.." He trails off, his expression changing a bit. He sent the voicemail, setting his phone down on his bed.

It wasn't a secret he felt and looked like shit, his parents thought he was on meth or something. Martín didn't know any of the shit Chucky did to him, he passed out immediately after before he could even see.

Martín tried everything, he texted Devon and Lexy on instagram, he couldn't call Junior- he wasn't even home? He decided to put music on to calm him down, everlong by Foo Fighters. That song always helped him.

Pacing around the room, many thoughts going through his own head, trying to cut the voices out. But he knew he couldn't fight it, staring down at the razor blade..not knowing how the fuck it got there.

He picked the blade up, scanning the way it looked, a smirk plastered onto his face as he made his way into his little sisters bedroom. She was sound asleep, hugging her stuffed animal.

He looked at the little girl, tilting his head as he wondered how to kill her. Quickly, he runs the blade through her neck which easily woke her up. She gasps for air, crying as she tried to grab Martín.

Meanwhile, he began to laugh as he saw her suffer slowly, watching her die. He then moved towards his parents room, grabbing a huge kitchen knife before flushing the blade down the toilet.

He slowly opened the door, pursing his lips at his sleeping parents. Martín glares at his mother, "fuck you." He whispered quietly before stabbing her head, she opened her eyes..but she was already dead.

Martín moved towards his dad, deciding what the hell to do with him. "Everybody's a killer if you push them far enough..." He whispered to his father before starting to repeatedly stab him, blood gushing out on him.

Martín let out laughs as his father cried out for help, stopping as his father gave up. He scanned them both, panting as he was completely covered in blood. "You got guts, kid."

He turns to see Chucky, "how do I get rid of all..this?" He questioned, looking down at himself. "You let me worry about that kid, go clean yourself up." The good guy doll explained. Martín nodded, heading towards the kitchen to wipe the knife.

Chucky cleaned out everything, he destroyed the sheets, planting their deaths as something else. Martín and Chucky now had a plan, getting closer to the three and easily killing them all. "Took care of Devon's mom and Juniors." Chucky laughed a bit.

Martín smirked, drinking a bottle of beer with the doll. His phone rang, seeing it was Jake. "Put an act on.."

Here goes nothing..

martín's hot asf

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