THE FINAL - Part 14

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"No pulse?" the police officer repeats into the phone with a straight face.

Meanwhile, your face goes through all possible emotions, until it decides on frustration. 

"Thank you, goodbye," the policeman hangs up and puts the phone back onto its charging station on the desk.

"Sir, I am sorry, but what did you just say," you ask concerned. 

The police officer seems to think about the words to choose for a few seconds until he finally explains, "It seems that Mr. Min is suffering from a cardiac arrest. They will most likely perform CPR to reanimate him."

"We need to go there immediately."

Both police officers look at you weirdly when you said that until one of them sighs and replies, "We can't."

"Then I will go myself," you retort.

"You can't."

There is no way disagreeing with the police will get you anywhere. But Yoongi needs to explain to them that it wasn't you who attacked him. He will tell them that it was Taehyung. When two people say the same story it will be a lot more believable. If he survives...

Suddenly, the police's phone starts ringing. Both officers frown at it confused and you get startled by the sudden loud sound. The higher-ranked police officer accepts the call and holds the receiver to his ear.

"Yes, hello?" he asks.

Someone at the other end of the line seems to be talking for a while and the police officer only nods, even though they can't see him.

"All right, I understand. Bye," he finally replies and hangs up the phone again.

The other police officer looks at him with a questioning expression on his face. 

Without anyone asking him, he starts explaining what the other person on the phone said during the previous call, "When the hospital staff was looking for an emergency contact for Mr. Min, they found your name, Ms. (L/N). Weirdly, there was no phone number listed, but there was an additional note to call the police instead if Mr. Min ever happened to get hospitalized and ask for you (L/N) (Y/N)." 

Did he actually think that far ahead? Did he know that, if he ever got hospitalized, that you would most likely be at the police station? He really is prepared for everything. Well... almost everything. He definitely wasn't prepared to meet Taehyung again and get stabbed.

"So, shouldn't I go to the hospital then?" you ask almost sarcastically.

"You definitely have a lot of explaining to do, especially about the relationship between you and Mr. Min," one of the policemen remarks.

"Of course. If they manage to reanimate him, he will gladly explain everything as well," you say.

The police officer seems skeptical but agrees, "All right, let's go to the hospital then. Obviously, my colleague and I will tag along to be there if he wakes up to hear the story from the two of you."


With that, the three of you leave the police station again and drive towards the hospital in the police car. You are optimistic, that Yoongi will tell them anything, so you won't have to go to jail. He only needs to survive.


A few minutes later, you reach the hospital and park on its big parking site.

You approach the reception with the two police officers right behind you. You tell them who you are and catch the police officers nodding towards the staff, telling them to allow you to go.

You are being informed about his room number and march towards that room. 

Once you are in the right hallway leading to Yoongi's room, a doctor approaches you, "Are you Ms. (L/N)?"


The doctor nods once and reports, "We managed to reanimate Mr. Min with CPR. He is breathing again and has a pulse. His wound has also been stabilized. He is currently sleeping. If you want to go inside, please try to let him rest as long as he needs to."

You sigh in relief. Your alibi survived. "Thank you, doc," you reply. And with that, the doctor storms off again, probably extremely busy treating all the patients in this hospital.

You grab the door handle to Yoongi's room and one of the police officers behind you whispers, "Remember to stay quiet. As the doctor said, he needs a lot of rest."

Obviously, you were not going to storm in there and make a scene. Well, actually, who knows at this point. 

You walk into the hospital room that is sterile white. About a meter away from the window is a single hospital bed where Yoongi is lying on. He is lying on his back and has his eyes closed. There is a little wooden stool on one side next to the bed and you sit down on it.

The police officers sit down on two chairs that are by a table, a bit away from Yoongi and you. 

You move your stool a bit closer to Yoongi's bed and stare at him closely. You can see his chest moving up and down. He is breathing.

You will have to wait until he wakes up.


You are almost dozing off the moment you hear the sound of rustling bedsheets. Your head immediately shoots up and the police officers also take a glance, looking at the patient. 

Yoongi is moving a little. It takes a few more minutes until he finally manages to open his eyes. Once they are open, he stares at the ceiling above him while still lying on his back. 

A short moment later, he tries to collect his last bit of strength to sit up on his bed.

"No, sir! You shouldn't move just yet. Please lie down," one of the police officers urges so Yoongi doesn't move too much right after being in such a critical state.

Yoongi hesitates for a second like he needs to process what the officer said. But, eventually, he listens, not trying to sit up anymore. 

"I am glad you are awake," you say to get Yoongi's attention.

Yoongi's head immediately turns around towards you, now looking at you with wide and confused eyes. He probably hasn't noticed your presence before and got startled.

After the first moment of surprise passes, his face turns into a skeptical frown with his eyes practically glued to you.

"Who are you?" 

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