Chapter 54

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He will find me...

~ Yoongi's POV ~

"Fucking hell! Where did she go?", I mumble annoyed. I've been looking for her since she ran away yesterday.

I still have no idea how she got away. She was tied to a chair. There is no way... Did I make a mistake? That's impossible. Ugh.

I didn't get any sleep yet. I was looking for her all night, running around the town. I'm so tired and frustrated but I can't sleep. I can't. Not until I found her...

I'm in my room again, checking how she actually got away and then I see it...

A razor blade.

She used it to cut the ropes. How did I not see this? Fuck.

Yet, it's been more than 24 hours since she ran away and if she was smart, she would have went to the police immediately and reported me. Why didn't she? This doesn't make any sense.

What if something happened to her?

No... That can't be. But, what if...?

Fuck, fuck, fuck where is she? Where is she? Where is she? Where is she?

I grip my hair nervously and then decide that I should look around the neighborhood again.

If anyone hurt her just in the slightest... I'm gonna kill them.

I move through the corridors hectically towards the main entrance of the building, not noticing that I'm actually stomping my feet.

I reach the lobby and in the second I'm about to open the big door, the door bell rings. I stop my movement for a few seconds and then decided to open the door.

The moment the door is open I immediately recognize the two familiar faces on the other side of the threshold.

My dumb police cousin and her partner.

"Did you call us?", asks officer Choi with a raised eyebrow. I frown at them in confusion. I thought they were here because (Y/N) reported me eventually but why the hell should they ask me if I called them then?

"Uhm... No?", I reply which sounds more like a question though. "Who called the police then?", the officer continues. Called them? So it wasn't (Y/N)? What happened?

"I don't kno-", before I could finish my sentence I get interruped by someone. "Me! I called you. I'm so happy you are finally here!", a girl exclaims as she takes a step to stand in front of me. What was her name again? Rhea? But why should she have called the police? I really don't like where this is going...

"Then tell us the reason why you called.", my cousin says, sounding all serious and professional but I know better.

"Of course, my friend (Y/N) (L/N), she just disappeared. And it's been more than 24 hours.", she explains to them.

Rhea then suddenly turns towards me and looks me straight in the eyes and I try to keep an emotionless face. "Yoongi, she is your girlfriend. Do you know where she went? I mean, she basically lives with you. I'm so worried.", she says.

"I don't know. I have been looking for her as well.", I reply while trying to stay calm. "So you don't know anything as well? Damn.", Rhea mumbles.

"If you really don't know where she is and what happened, you won't mind if we look around your apartment a bit, right?", officer Choi asks demanding.

Fuck, are they suspecting me? My damn cousin is supposed to cover me from the fucking police, that's why she is there in the first place. What is she even doing?!

"I don't think that this is necessary.", I answer, trying to sound calm and collected. I see the officer raising an eyebrow and Rhea gasping slightly. They really are suspecting me, huh?

"I think it's best if we interview you two separately. I'll interview you, Mister Min and my partner officer Choi will interview you, who called.", my cousin suggests and everyone nods.

Is she finally going to do something about everyone suspecting me? I really hope so. Why else should I have strings to the police if I'm still getting suspected.

"Mister Min and me will go into that room and you two can go into that over there.", my cousin explains.

Min Jule and I enter the room she was talking about and the second we entered she sighs annoyed.

"I can't cover you anymore.", she says.

I blink repeatedly at her.

"Excuse me, what?", I ask confused.

"You heard me. Everyone at the police station is starting to suspect that I'm doing something fishy and I mean, they are not wrong. I'm covering up the crimes of my idiotic cousin because I owe him something."

"Okay, sounds like your problem.", I reply while shrugging. I can't have her ditch me now.

"I mean it, Yoongi. I can't do this anymore, I'm risking my life. Covering up all the shit you did already was a pain in the ass but this one here. I can't. I'm out."

I click my tongue annoyingly, noticing the anger building up. "I didn't do anything this time! She just disappeared!"

"I think you mean that she ran away because you fucking kidnapped her!", my cousin snaps.

"If she had ran away, she would have went to the police already, don't you think?! She is not stupid.", I reply, trying to explain that something happened.

"Sorry Yoongi, but I'm out nonetheless. I can't do this anymore. Trying to cover up a kidnappers's crime was dumb in the first place.", she hisses.

And then, we hear a sound that makes both of us freeze immediately.

A gasp.

My cousin and I are both turning our heads towards the source of the sound and we see her partner, the other officer.

"W-What is going on here?"

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