Chapter 21

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"100.", you hear a familiar deep voice say as you notice that you are in the arms of someone.

Your eyes open quickly and you just see the fabric of a shirt in front of you. You slowly look up and instantly see Yoongi smirking at you. "You were too slow, baby.", he whispers. "I-I..."

He is still holding you and his smirk just grows. Suddenly, his grip tightens and it's starting to really hurt. You groan due to the pain that you feel in your entire body, yet his expression doesn't change at all.

"We should go to the terminal.", Yoongi says with a smile. He let go of his grip and takes your hand again to hold it. You don't say anything as you are shocked.

How did he get there so fast? Is it even physically possible? Did he know that it was a trick all along? He is really always one step ahead of you, no matter what you do.

And now, you walk next to him again, holding his hand, knowing that he won't let you get away with that escape attempt like that and that there is definitely an aftermath coming.

The two of you reach the terminal and the right gate. You spot a digital display board, which says 'Cairo to Seoul' and you gulp. Yoongi leads you to one of the many benches at the gate and you sit down, waiting for the doors to open.

Yoongi lets one of his hands rest on your thigh and you flinch slightly. "You are such an idiot, babygirl.", he whispers into your ear. "Eh? What?" He just starts to chuckle in response. You are pretty sure that he is referring to your escape attempt, yet he instantly drops the topic.

But then, you remember something. "Uhm Yoongi.", you mumble while poking his arm and he hums. "I think you forgot something essential." He just raises his eyebrow confused and you explain: "I don't have a passport with me. I can't get into the airplane." You smirk slightly, yet trying not to make it too obvious.

"You are so naive, kitten. I can't believe that you underestimate me like that.", Yoongi replies as he starts to dig in his backpack. He then pulls out a passport and hands it to you. You frown and open it. Your eyes instantly widen as you notice that it is your passport.

"Where did you get that from?!", you whisper-yell. Yoongi giggles quietly. "I made it.", he answers. "You what?!" Yoongi seems to be amused by your madness. "I made it, because I didn't find your original one."

"You counterfeited a passport?!" Yoongi just tilts his head confused, looking lost. "Yeah, so what?" You sigh heavily. "Whatever.", you mumble.

(time skip)

You see the doors open and staff getting ready to scan the tickets. Yoongi hands you a ticket and the two of you get up. He takes hold of your hand and leads you towards the kind looking staff member.

Yoongi tells you to go first and so you hand her the ticket and the not so real passport. You really hope that she notices. But she smiles at you and says: "Enjoy your flight." You just nod and walk past her. 

Yoongi gets through the ticket inspection as well and follows you. He leads you into the airplane and you are kindly greeted by the staff. Yoongi looks at his ticket and you copy his actions. You notice that you have a seat in the business class in the very first row.

Yoongi then gestures you to follow him and you do so. You end up in the business class and sit down into your extremely comfortable seat in the first row right behind the cockpit. You sit at the window seat and Yoongi sits right next to you.

(time skip)

After some hours of flying, Yoongi and you spot two men that walk past your seats and into the cockpit, yet you shrug it off. But you notice that Yoongi frowns and looks really concentrated, almost concerned.

Short time later, you hear the signal from the speakers of the airplane that signalizes an announcement. Yoongi and you both look up at the speakers.

"This is your Captain speaking. T-this airplane is right now being hijacked. T-the kidnappers told me to announce to stay calm and listen to whatever they say."


A/N: Ohhh, what's gonna happen now? Hehe.

And by the way, big thanks to today_iwrite for making the new covers for both books. Love you uwu

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