Chapter 55

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"W-What is going on here?", asks officer Choi as she stands in the doorway.

"Choi, I think you misunderstood.", answers my cousin, her nervousness not really hidden well.

We are screwed.

"There is not much to misunderstand.", she replies, trying to build up courage. "What did you hear from our conversation?", I ask, hoping that I can still save something. "Enough.", she simply says.

There was an awkward silence for a few seconds until officer Choi continues: "Min Jule, you know, I was ordered to spy on you because co-workers already suspected that you did something you shouldn't but wow, I didn't expect something like this. I already told the person who called us here to go outside, there was never an interview with her." In response, my cousin just clicks her tongue.

"With that, Min Jule and Min Yoongi I have to arrest the two of you. I have to call for backup, so the two of you better not move a muscle."

The officer grabs her phone and then walks out of the room. On her way out she makes sure to lock the door, locking me and my cousin in this room. A small room without windows, of course.

If the backup comes and arrests me, I will not be able to see (Y/N) again... ever...


No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! I can't let that happen!

"Fuck.", I mumble before quickly rushing towards the door. "What are you doing, Yoongi?!", asks Jule but I don't reply. I sprint towards the door and when I reach it, I kick it with all my might. Yet, it didn't open.

I try to focus and kick the door again, this time hitting the door in the right angle and so, it opens.

I immediately spot the officer to my left with the phone in her hand.

I run towards her and I see the fear in her eyes. Seeing these emotions on her face makes me run even faster and a big grin fills my face.

While I run I quickly got my pocketknife from my pocket which I always carry with me. She lets the phone drop to the floor in order to grab her gun but she was too slow.

When I finally reach her, I aim my knife at her and also tackle her over.

The officer is now lying on the floor, me on top of her and a knife in her stomach.

She looks up at me, her eyes telling me that she is well aware that she is done for. Knowing, that this will be her last few heartbeats. I chuckle quietly.

But suddenly, there is a smirk on her face. "T-Too late, fucker.", she spits out while in severe pain and my eyes widen, turning my gaze towards the phone that's now lying on the floor.

I turn my attention back to her but her eyes are already starting to close and I get off of her. The same moment, my cousin also comes out of the room and gasps loudly. "Fuck! Yoongi, what did you do?!", she asks, pretty much screaming.

I look at the body of the officer and then back at my cousin. "I did what I had to do.", I reply coldly. "What the fuck?! Are you nuts?! You didn't have to fucking kill her! Just take her damn phone! Fuck! You can be lucky that officer Choi brought that Rhea girl outside already and didn't witness it! Fuck, you're crazy!", Min Jule said in fear.

I just don't reply. I walk towards the corpse and grab my knife from her, to not leave more evidence than neccessary.

"Fuck! Yoongi, what about the other members?! Are they still in this building?", she asks nervously. I just shake my head in response. "I am the only one in the building right now, besides you. The members are recording for a show, I said I was sick."

"Well, you sure are sick! Look what you did!" I just sigh in annoyance, can't she shut up for once? "We have to leave.", I mumble. "What why?", she questions. In reponse, I just point at the phone that's still lying on the floor and when Jule notices she pulls her hair in stress.

She runs towards the phone and looks at the screen and sighs in relief. "There is no call going on right now. They didn't hear what we just said but we don't know what Choi already told them if she managed to do so. Okay, assuming she did reach them, the police will be here in a few minutes. I will get rid of the body and run away and you should also consider running. You are on your own now.", my cousin explains.

I watch her put the corpse into blankets and try to get rid of all evidence. She then walks out through the backdoor without saying another word to me.

I should also leave this building for now as I'm not sure if she actually managed to reach someone with that call and if she did if she was able to say names or in other words if the police knows that I am involved.

I grab a face mask as well as a jacket from the coat rack and make sure it's closed to hide the few small blood stains that hit me from the officer. I open the door and just walk out as if nothing happened.

All I can think of right now is (Y/N) and how and when I'll be able to see her again.

I'll do anything for you... just wait...

That moment when I'm a few hundred meters away from the dorm building I hear the sirens.

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