Chapter 34

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"Who are you?", you ask as you look at the unknown person standing next to you in the hallway of the dorm.

The girl raises an eyebrow but quickly and kindly replies: "I'm Rhea. Nice to meet you." You bow slightly to be polite. "Oh, I'm (Y/N). Nice to meet you too!", you say while smiling and she smiles back.

Yet, you wonder what she is doing here and why you have never seen her before. "Uhm, may I ask what you are doing here? I'm not trying to sound mean, I was just wondering.", you ask her.

"Oh, I'm Hoseok's girlfriend. We started dating recently. Yet, he keeps it a secret, not just from publicity but also from his bandmates.", Rhea explains.

So, that's what Taehyung talked about at the meeting when he was confronting Hoseok and no one knew what he was referring to. He must have known about it.

"He says there has been drama before within the group that involved a girlfriend.", she adds.

She must be talking about you. "Oh yeah, I'm the drama.", you reply while laughing awkwardly. She looks slightly surprised for a second. "So, you are dating a member?", she asks and you nod in response. "Who?", she questions. "I'm dating Yoongi."

"Oh yeah, I heard about you. Hoseok told me that you just got together again after a break-up." You sigh. "Yeah, shit happened but yeah, we are back together!", you say to not cause any suspicion. "Ah, I'm happy for you!", she replies with the kindest smile on her face.

"So, I was wondering-", she begins but is interrupted by a door opening behind the two of you. Yoongi comes out of the apartment and approaches you. He puts his arm over your shoulder and looks at Rhea suspiciously. "Hey, who are you?", he asks while frowning a bit.

You get really nervous because you are afraid that Yoongi gets a wrong idea as there is an unfamiliar girl in the dorm who you just talked to.

"I'm Rhea. Hoseok's girlfriend.", she introduces herself to Yoongi while bowing politely. "Why have I never heard of you?", Yoongi asks. Yep, he is definitely not trusting the situation right now.

"Oh, Hoseok tried to keep it a secret for now as we just recently started dating and he doesn't want to cause any problems within the group.", Rhea explains while smiling. Gosh, her smile is so kind. No one could say no to that.

"Alright, nice to meet you too.", Yoongi replies. He then turns his head to look at you. "So babe, didn't you want to get some fresh air?", he questions you. "Uhm yeah.", you reply. "I'll come with you.", Yoongi adds.

"It was nice meeting you two!", Rhea says while walking towards Hoseok's apartment door. Yoongi and you head the other direction to go outside.

His arm was still laying on your shoulder and it begins to hurt because of your neck. "Uhm Yoongi, could you maybe remove your arm from my shoulder. It hurts...", you ask kindly, trying not to offend him.

"No.", he just bluntly replies. "Eh? Why not?", you ask surprised. "Because there is a visable wound on your neck and I forgot to tell you to wear a scarf to hide it.", Yoongi explains.

"I'm wearing a hoodie. Can't I just put the hood on?", you ask a bit nervous. He looks at you and notices the hood. "Sure.", he mumbles and removes his arm from your shoulder but puts it around your waist instead.

As you arrive outside, you stand right in front of the front door on the sidewalk. You inhale deeply and enjoy the peace. But, that peace wouldn't last for long.

As Yoongi and you stand there, Taehyung just seems to come home. Yoongi immediately throws a death glare at him but in response, Taehyung just smirks dirtily.

Yoongi tightens his grip around your waist with every step Taehyung comes closer to the point where it almost hurts.

Taehyung is really close by now and as he is about to walk past you to enter the building, Yoongi let out a growl and due to that, Taehyung spits on the floor right next to Yoongi's feet.

This is going to be the point where Yoongi snaps and you already know it.

Yoongi let go of you to harshly push Taehyung, so that his back hits the door with a big impact that makes the younger gasp loudly. "Yoongi, stop!", you yell but he just ignores you. He approaches Taehyung and harshly grabs him by his collar.

Yoongi clenches his fist and is about to punch him but you quickly take hold of his hand. "(Y/N)! Let go!", Yoongi yells as he tries to free his fist from you to punch Taehyung. "No! You need to stop!", you reply.

"Please...", you beg and Yoongi clicks his tongue in annoyance. He let go of Taehyung and the younger sighs.

"The next time I come across you, you are going to regret it."



There is soon another character coming to the story (aside from Rhea) and I thought why not name her after one of  my readers.

So, if you want to be in this story, comment your first name on this paragraph or just DM it to me. I'll decide randomly. (Female only) Thanks!

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