Chapter 20

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"Ready to go home?"

Your eyes widen and you look at him in pure shock. He wasn't joking. He really meant it. You just keep on looking at him, no idea what to say or how to react.

"I take that as a yes.", Yoongi replies to his own question. He puts a cap and a facemask on and throws the backpack he just packed over his shoulder and grabs your wrist. He opens the car door and pulls you behind him.

You trip while trying to leave the car, yet Yoongi catches you by your waist. "You're welcome, princess.", Yoongi whispers while holding you. You just hum sarcastically in response.

He then let go of your wrist but quickly holds your hand instead. You raise an eyebrow at him in confusion and he answers: "I can't hold your wrist so no one notices that you are not exactly... content. Yet, I have to make sure that you can't run away~"

So, now he holds your hand tightly yet not painfully and walks towards the gigantic building with huge window facade. "Don't let me pull you like that.", Yoongi says without looking at you and you slightly fasten your pace.

"Walk next to me so no one suspects anything.", he whispers and you gulp, yet you obey. You look up at his face but he is still focused onto what is in front of him and his face shows no emotion.

You reach the entrance of the building and the two of you enter. Yoongi leads you to a big display board and Yoongi inspects it precisely. As he got the needed information, he asks: "We still have some time. Are you hungry?" You nod your head slightly, noticing your growling stomach.

Yoongi and you walk towards a small diner inside the airport and he orders the two of you a sandwich. You thank him as he hands you yours. You sit down at a small table and Yoongi sits down right next to you, barely any space in between you.

He lays an arm over your shoulder and it makes you slightly uncomfortable as you bite into your sandwich. Yoongi then starts to play with your hair with the hand he just laid over you. "Yoongi... don't.", you whisper in embarrassment.

He giggles quietly and stops his action, yet leaves his arm resting on your shoulder. And still, you think about running. What could he possibly do if you got up and screamed for help?

You begin to look around and seek the best opportunity. "Oh, and by the way,", Yoongi whispers and you look at him as he broke your train of thoughts, "don't you even dare."

You don't understand what he is talking about but then he elbows you and you look down and see a small knife in his hand that's resting on your lap. No one else but you is able to see it and you start to panic internally.

He chuckles quietly as you understood what he meant, which is 'Try anything and I will stab you'.

You lay the rest of your sandwich down as you lost your appetite. Yoongi follows your actions and gets up with you and throws the leftovers away. "Let's go to the terminal then."

Again, you walk next to Yoongi as he leads you. You see hundreds of people inside the gigantic airport, walking past you and no one even has the slightest clue that you are being kidnapped right now by the man they expect to be your boyfriend.

Your eyes suddenly spot something and an idea comes into your mind. "Yoongi.", you say and he stops and looks at you. "I have to use the bathroom.", you whisper due to embarrassment as you point towards the women's bathroom next to you.

Yoongi replies: "Don't even try to trick me." You frown at him annoyed. "Yoongi, I literally haven't pissed in ages." Yoongi's eyes widen slightly due to your bluntness.

"Okay", he mumbles, "you have exactly 100 seconds." He takes his knife out again without attracting attention and holds it near your stomach. "If you don't make it in time... well..." A quick shiver runs down your spine as you look at him shocked.

"Time starts now."

You turn around and walk into the restroom as quickly as possible, yet not running. This is your chance of escape. You count in your mind to be sure to be in time.


As you get into the public restroom you quickly inspect the room, looking left and right. Fuck, no one is in here to help you.


You decide to look for a window instead as no one is in the restroom with you right now.


You don't even see a window at first glance and panic is slowly taking over you.


You walk in circles, thinking about a solution to your problem.


An idea comes into your mind and you head towards the first bathroom stall.


You open the door carefully, yet there isn't a window inside and you curse mentally.


You head towards the second stall door and as you reach out for the handle, it won't move. "FUCK!", you swear.


You rush towards the last bathroom stall and open it, instantly spotting the window you could be fitting through.


You climb onto the toilet and open the window with force. You lift one leg over the window frame and with that you pull the rest of your body out of the window.


Your eyes are closed intuitively due to the small fall, but before you even feel the ground beneath you completely, you feel a pair of arms around you.


An Idol is my Sasaeng?! 2 | Min YoongiWhere stories live. Discover now