THE FINAL - Part 20

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"Sending you straight to hell," you growl, your voice coming out way raspier than you anticipated.

At the same moment, you finally got a tight grip on the item that is in your pocket, and with a quick movement, you pull it out of said pocket. 

It was a small pocketknife you bought at a store before coming to visit Yoongi again. You came prepared. Prepared for the worst. And what was the worst? The man right in front of you at this very moment.

You are about to attack Yoongi with the knife and he realizes in time and dodges when you launch the knife forward, holding the handle tightly.

While Yoongi jumps to the side to dodge your attack, he mumbles, "You have truly lost your mind." 

When you realize that he dodged your first attack, you prepare for another one but since Yoongi expects this now, he is ready to avoid all of your attacks. 

You continue to attempt to stab Yoongi and you begin to just hack away at it. With every attack, your moves get sloppier. Yoongi is chuckling by now.

Once Yoongi is getting bored of your attempts to stab him, he grabs your wrist mid-movement and holds it tightly. You are surprised by it. You look at him with widened eyes and he smirks at you while holding your hand with the knife, not allowing it to move anymore.

You try to struggle to get your wrist free but he seems to be way stronger even though he is just holding your wrist with one of his hands while looking unbothered.

"Well, that was fun!" Yoongi announces, "Okay, my turn."

With his free hand, he takes hold of the pocketknife in your hand. His hand that is around your wrist squeezes your wrist and you lose the strength in your hand, letting go of the knife.

Now, Yoongi is the one in possession of the pocketknife. Which - from past experiences - usually never ends well.

He gives you a push and, since it was unexpected, you fall to the ground. You lie on your back on the hospital floor and before you have the chance to get up, Yoongi positions himself above you. 

He sits down on your lower torso, putting his weight on you so you could not get up. Still, you are struggling in an attempt to free yourself. But it was fruitless. 

Yoongi looks down at you while spinning the knife in his hand, the sharp blade being illuminated by the dim light of the lamp on the nightstand. 

"Ready?" he asks and you are confused about what he is talking about.

"Set," he says while stopping to spin the knife in his hand in order to secure it in his grip and you realize what he is about to do.

"GO!" he growls and slams the knife down, aiming right at where your head is but you are quick enough to move it to the side and the blade only scratches your cheek. A small amount of blood flows out. 

"Mh, close one," Yoongi hums happily.

Yoongi seems to prepare himself for another attack, so in your desperation, you yell, "Yoongi! Stop!" 

He tilts his head and pretends like he looks confused and says, "But it was your turn first. Now it is my turn to play."

Your eyes widen in shock. He is completely out of it again. But this time, he did not hold back attempting to ram a knife into your face. Did he reach the point where he would actually kill you?

He has hurt you a lot in the past. Physically and mentally tortured you. But he never intended to kill you. No, quite the opposite; he was willing to kill anyone else who tried to harm you. So, what happened?

Is this the end? Was not leaving when Taehyung gave you the opportunity your very last mistake in life? You should feel regret about this, but frankly, you don't.  You are concerned about not feeling regret while you feel the fresh blood slowly run down your cheek.

You manage to move one of your arms and give Yoongi a straight punch in the face. You put all of your strength into the punch. He hisses slightly but, instead of showing any pain or backing off, he just starts laughing. 

Yep, he completely lost his mind.

"(Y/N), I said it was my turn," Yoongi giggles, while blood runs out of his nose from the punch. He doesn't seem to care about the blood at all as he doesn't even bother to wipe it away.

Yoongi is raising the knife again to go for another attack. Before he can hit you with it, though, you hold his hand that is gripping the knife and try to wrestle for strength. He is trying to launch it downwards while you try to push it up. 

During all this, the blade is cutting at the skin of your hand. But adrenaline is allowing you to fight back. Though, you need both of your hands to compete with the strength of one of his hands. 

The blood from your hands is starting to run down your arm and also the blood that is escaping Yoongi's nose is starting to drip down onto you.

You feel that strength is slowly leaving you and you don't know how much longer you can struggle. 

Suddenly, the door to Yoongi's hospital room opens. You hear a loud gasp.

"What is going on in here?!"

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