Chapter 35

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"The next time I come across you, you are going to regret it.", Yoongi growls at the younger.

Taehyung just clicks his tongue in response and enters the building, leaving the two of you alone again. Yoongi exhales heavily. "I'm going to kill him.", he whispers in a dark voice. "You can't do that.", you reply in a quiet and uneasy voice.

He turns to look at you with a frown on his face. "Of course I can.", Yoongi replies. "You can but you shouldn't.", you say under your breath. "He is literally asking me to do it.", he says and you notice him clenching his fists. "No, he is just trying to provoke you and make you angry."

"Yeah, that's what I said." You just sigh, hoping that he will drop the topic. Yoongi inhales deeply to calm himself a bit.

"I'm hungry. Can we get something to eat?", you say, a bit nervous to ask him for a favor. "Alright, then let's go inside and I make you some pancakes.", Yoongi replies. "No, I mean, like, can we get something else? I can't just eat pancakes everyday, even though they taste good."

Yoongi raises an eyebrow, obviously thinking about your request. "I don't think that's a good idea. Let's go inside and I make you some pancakes.", he answers after debating with himself. He wants to grab your wrist to lead you inside but before he could do so, you cross your arms in front of your chest.

Yoongi seems a little shocked for a second because of your protest. "What?", he asks. "If you want me to act like your girlfriend, you should also treat me like that.", you say in a slightly annoyed voice.

He sighs. "You can't be serious right now." You just nod and he clicks his tongue. "Fine. Let me just get my facemask and a hat to cover myself.", he replies and you are glad that you don't have to eat pancakes again.

(time skip)

After Yoongi got his facemask and a hat from his apartment, the two of you walked to a junk food restaurant to eat at. You ordered yourself a burger menu, yet Yoongi didn't get himself anything.

Right now, you sit at one of the tables and Yoongi sits right in front of you, watching you eat. Even though it makes you nervous, you don't complain as you are happy that he took you here.

Yet, at one point Yoongi began to seem tense and looked around nervously from time to time. He just looks around, observing his entire surroudings as if he is being watched.

You want to ask him what is going on but honestly, you don't care. He is probably just looking out for paparazzis because he is sitting here with a girl. (A/N: Ahem, Dispatch)

You finish your food and eventually you head home again.

(time skip)

Yoongi and you arrive back at his apartment and you sit down on his bed, stuffed from the delicious food. "You seemed tense at the restaraunt.", you address while Yoongi stands near his dresser. "So what? I'm an idol that went out with a girl. So yeah, obviously."

You feel like there is more into it but you decide to drop the topic. Yoongi takes off his facemask and his hat and lets out an exaggerated sigh.

A few moments later, there is a knock on the door. Yoongi turns his head to look at you. His frowning face is asking you if you know who it could be but you just shrug.

"Uhm, it's open.", Yoongi tells the person outside the door. The door slowly opens and it reveals a smirking Taehyung.

Yoongi expression immediately goes from confused to furious. "What do you want here?! Did you already forget what I told you?!", Yoongi growls at the younger.

Taehyung chuckles once before closing the front door of the apartment shut. "I'm here to finally settle the matter. To sort out the issue between us.", Taehyung suggests while rolling up his sleeves and Yoongi slowly seems to understand what the younger means.

Yoongi tilts his head while looking threatful. "Uh-huh. And what were you thinking of?", Yoongi asks. "A fair fist fight. You versus me. Just two men. Barefisted.", Taehyung suggests. "Alright.", Yoongi accepts. "Yoongi, no!", you say to stop him.

Yoongi grabs your wrist tightly. His anger has taken completely control of him as he leads you towards the bathroom. You try to protest but you have no chance. He brings you into the bathroom and locks the door from outside. No chance of you to leave.

"Yoongi! Let me out!", you yell while punching the door with your fist. Yet, you get no reply. After a few seconds of banging against the door, you stop to listen what's happening.

"I don't even know why you are still doing this. (Y/N) is already mine and mine only.", you hear Yoongi say to Taehyung on the other side of the door. "I wouldn't be so sure about that.", he replies with a cocky voice and this was the last thing needed to bring Yoongi's anger to 100 %.

You hear a loud groan of annoyance from Yoongi and then some sounds that indicate that he attacks the younger. You can hear some punching sounds and some swear words from both of them. You just sit on the bathroom floor, knowing that you can't do anything while they beat each other up.

All of you sudden, you can hear the sound of something metallic being drawn. You are not sure what it is but it sounds really sharp.

The next second a loud gasp could be heard from Yoongi. Right after that, you heard painful groans and whines from Yoongi and one loud thud and then, everything went completely silent for a few seconds.

You stop breathing the entire time it is silent and you can feel your heart beating fast.

Suddenly, you hear Taehyung exhale heavily. "Ah, that was quicker than I thought. How boring.", Taehyung says but you could hear nothing from Yoongi now. "What is going on?", you think to yourself filled with worries.

"Good night, Yoongi."


A/N: A little tip for the coming chapters (and basically the rest of the story): You should start questioning things and expect the unexpected. ;)

Also, the new character is coming soon, don't worry.

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