Chapter III

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Sometimes, taking control over your own destiny is something that is a luxury. Most people believe the idea of free will should be a basic human right, and for many lucky people, it is. But for the unfortunate souls who are tied back due to whatever the reason, it's something far off an unobtainable. Whether it be control over their career, their bodies, their ability to wear what they want. These are things that most people in places such as North America or England consider to be a common thing in everyday life.

But behind the veil, everyone is influenced by something. Perhaps the control isn't covert and in your face, but something is always causing you to lean one way or another. Whether it be fashion trends, social norms, etc. If something is seen as unnatural or avant-garde, that person will be ostracized and alienated from society.

More blatant control typically comes from families of higher standing, perhaps to maintain a sense of power or keep their image intact. Other times its to combine two massive driving forces in the public eye or create a sort of alliance. This is typically the case within relationships, but even small things like the clothing the child can wear is typically controlled or monitored by the head of the family, or those close enough to it.

But love isn't something that can be dictated and controlled. It happens when you least expect it and is in its rawest form when you are as well. It mimics your mind and shows you what it was that may be missing in your life at the time. It can be platonic, familial, romantic, etc. It does not matter the type of love someone feels, nor who they feel it with. If you love someone, you should be able to express that without consequences.

But I suppose that isn't always the case, after all, that would be an ideal. Rarely in society is an ideal brought to fruition, not when everyone gets a say.


Barty barely looked at her when she wandered into the common room after dinner had come to an end. He had stalked behind the group as Snape and Cassie lead the group back towards the Dungeons. She knew she would be in for it when the doors closed, despite having no real control over who it was McGonagall paired her up with. She was no legiliment or all-mighty wizard who could control minds. Despite that, she knew that Barty's anger was unquenchable, and she would simply have to do.

Cassie walked the first-year female students up the stairs, whispering small gossips with them about the upper-year students before bidding the group a goodnight. She wandered quietly past the living area to her secluded bedroom away from the others. She prayed to Merlin that she would be able to get through the night without a confrontation with her soon-to-be-betrothed. After all, she wouldn't quite know what to say.

The last thing she would admit is sneaking off from the class to follow the Lupin boy through the halls, watching him panic when she arrived in front of him.


Cassie turned her head away from Barty, eyes following the sandy brown hair of Remus as he quickly dodged his friends and scurried from the classroom. She furrowed her eyebrows, mimicking the exact same expression as her cousin. They were always confused for twins, the only thing setting them apart being the colour of her eyes.

The Black daughter glanced over her shoulder to ensure Barty and Snape were busy before tucking her books into her stained leather bag, sliding behind a group of Gryffindor's, crouching ever so subtly. No one gave her a second look as she ducked from the classroom, picking up her pace as the lycanthrope turned a sharp corner.

She couldn't tell if he was upset that they were paired with one another or nervous, either way, she couldn't help but let her curiosity rule her as she followed behind. Whenever Remus stopped to check around him, she quickly tossed herself into the wall and turned her back to keep her plans quiet as he continued his track out towards the Whomping Willow.

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