Chapter XI

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Weeds always grow in gardens; no matter how hard you work to pluck them free, there's always one that grows back. Their roots entangled with your own, keeping you rooted in place, no matter the infected soil that grew you. It's hard to fight it off, especially when that weed happens to be the thing that raised you. Their arms used to wrap you tightly in a swaddle and whisper secret sweet nothings into your ear.

The very thing that planted you in a garden may just be the thing that uproots you—leaving you exposed and waiting for the next strike. The cycle of abuse is one of planting and uprooting, falling into a painful loop that leaves you weak, alone, and afraid. It's hard to break that routine, to free yourself of those poisoned weeds that just keep coming back.

Cassie stared out at the rising sun as she held her mug of tea close to her chest. She watched the sun peak over the far-out trees dusted in white powder. Andromeda and Ted's house was the epitome of solace for a darkness-ridden Cassiopeia Black. There wasn't a shadow in sight as the days crept along, each bringing her closer to sipping that whiskey that burned her throat once again. But every day, a looming threat scratched at the back of Cassie's mind—like something was waiting for a moment of vulnerability.

She curled tighter into the blanket as tears flooded her waterline, threatening to release those binds that kept her tied down. As much as Cassie adored staying with Andromeda and Ted, spending time with Dora and waiting for the moment she could relive the cinnamon scent of Remus Lupin—it didn't feel the same. The positive memories seemed to overtake those riddled with poison and malice as she remembered how Christmas used to be in the Black family dynasty. The balls, the banquets, the gowns—Cassie treasured those moments when she and Narcissa would trap Regulus into dancing.

But then the night would fall, and her father would wind up lashing out at the three children he still had. Cassie would find herself by the Dark Lords' side, hands tucked behind her back like an obedient pet for him to stick on someone who misbehaved. Cassie had become a weapon for the Dark Lord to use, a safe to store his valuables. She was a wanted woman, one being hunted for her knowledge and the way of her wand. All because she had let her composure slip and fell into the warm trap of her cousin's friend group and the burning gaze of Remus Lupin. Regret isn't the word Cassie would use to describe her feelings—Remorse felt better on her tongue.

"I bet ten quid that mother is already in a frenzy about tonight's banquet," Andy's voice cooed as the cottage's front door shut, startling Cassie, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you."

"It's alright," Cassie hummed, turning her gaze back towards the burning star, "I needed something to bring me back to reality, anyways."

"I'll gladly do that for you," Andromeda teased as she slid into the porch swing next to Cassie, tugging the heavy quilt over herself as well, "What's got you lost in thought?"

"How did you feel?" The youngest Black daughter questioned, earning a confused hum from the second-eldest, "When you were disowned—How did you feel?"

"Oh," Andromeda whispered, her voice barely audible as she sat back against the swing, "I suppose...Relieved? But also mournful. I never wanted to hurt our family; I just wished to live free of the restraints finally, I suppose. I think the worst part of it was leaving you and Cissy behind. They are terrible people, but...They're family."

"Would you ever go back?" Cassie continued, earning a pointed gaze from Andromeda, "If they asked you to come back, to at least be a name on that stupid wall of our Aunts—Would you?"

"Never," Andromeda stated simply. Cassie's heart cracked at the definitive answer, no longer feeling like Andy understood how she felt. It was ridiculous to even think about returning to such a wretched dynasty after everything she had been through. Yet, all Cassie could think about were the slivers of sunlight in the Black family dynasty's thunderstorm, "Why do you ask?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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