Chapter VI

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Surrendering yourself to the flow and natural motion of life is something that can be difficult for most people. It can sometimes feel like a loss of part of yourself when you no longer have complete control over a situation or even relationship. When you lack that ability, many things can be pushed too far and be forced to a breaking point. There is a finicky balance between having a vice grip on something and allowing it to flow naturally.

Relationships are one of the things you need to allow to naturally take place. Whether it be friendly or romantic, forcing something will only result in a horrible crash. Forcing someone who may either not be ready or perhaps is in a sticky predicament could result in the destruction of the relationship and person all together.

When it comes to people who have been scorned and burned, the best approach is one with gentle actions and small steps. Immediately forcing yourself onto the person or completely swarming them usually results in a complete shutdown. People who have faced abuse or continue to face it are the people that tend to prefer slower movements and to take their time with opening up to a new person, friendly or otherwise.

Completely throwing yourself at them is the last direction someone should take.


Remus had cornered Barty every day since the Halloween party. Each day he demanded to know where Cassie was, and each day he was met with a snicker and a wave of a hand before Barty wandered off. Not once did the lycanthrope get a straight answer out of the Slytherin, and each day when Cassie was nowhere to be found and the full moon grew closer, Remus became increasingly aggravated and straight up angry.

"Moony if you stare any longer Barty might think you're into him," James whispered, nudging the brunette with his elbow, "She'll turn up mate, relax."

"It's been a week, James," Lily sighed, taking Remus's defense so the Quidditch Captain didn't end up dead, "Even Sirius looks sick."

Remus and the others looked up to the Great Hall's entrance to see the eldest Black brother standing in the doorway. He had barely been vocal since the party, no doubt worrying everyone else in the school as well and looked as though he hadn't showered in the week. To be fair, neither had Remus. The difference is, the two felt very differing types of love towards the elusive Black daughter. She was Remus's love and the person he was enamoured with, but she was Sirius's family.

"If he hadn't tried to fight Barty, this probably wouldn't have happened," Remus piped up, causing a few wary glances to be thrown his way, "You can't tell me I'm wrong."

"Barty called his favourite cousin a whore, Remus," Peter scathed, placing his goblet onto the table, "If it weren't for her being behind you, you would've jumped him too."

"That's not true."

"What's not true?" Sirius questioned as he joined the group, sliding into a seat next to Dorcas, who was staring at Remus in disbelief, "What?"

"Nothing, Pads, don't worry," James piped up, cutting off Remus as the latter went to open his mouth, emotions running high, "Just talking about O.W.Ls."

Remus's grip on his fork was deadly as his knuckles turned a sickly shade of white. If Sirius had just left it alone and let Barty's words roll off his back, then this wouldn't have happened. Cassie wouldn't be M.I.A for the past week and Remus wouldn't be worried to the point where his stomach felt as though it were turning inside out. So many things could have prevented the absolute insanity that had taken place that night. But Remus was in no state of mind to admit his own doings and faults.

"What's Moony's issue?" Sirius questioned as he piled a few eggs onto his plate.

"No–" Lily didn't have a chance to get in between the two as Remus's temper flare to a boiling point, exploding all over the table.

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