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αδ. Aphenphosmphobia – Fear of intimacy

(a/n: authors note at bottom if you care about me rewriting and editing + adding songs)

Jason hated every second he spent behind the wall of flames, watching desperately to see a glance of Aza between each lick of flame. He hated it even more as the flames began to die; he hated feeling helpless while Aza fought Lycaon on her own, watching his claws rake constantly over her skin. He hated watching her skin cover inch-by-inch in the two's shared blood.

He wanted to be angry at Aza for launching herself at Lycaon like that, but he was too preoccupied in the awe he felt. There was nothing to describe watching Aza and Lycaon grapple for control. The fear that drowned him as he watched Lycaon throw her into the wall. The pride he felt for her as he watched her break Lycaon's headlock - and pinky - as natural to her as walking. The intensity he felt watching the two fight, on edge, wondering if he was about to watch the warrior die for them.

He was frozen in shock when the hooded figures entered the cave, sure it was a new onslaught of enemies they would have to fight. He wanted to tell Aza to run, retreat behind he and Leo, but Aza simply knelt on the ground and muttered to herself in front of the silver wolf, and then address the figures kindly, like she had known them for ages.

"Thalia, I have a present for you." Jason froze when he heard the name - finally, finally it was time. He'd meet the strange girl in the photograph, he'd finally begin to unravel his past.

Aza grinned when Thalia rushed past her and wrapped the taller blonde in her tight embrace. "My gods! She told me you were dead!" Thalia gripped Jason's face turning it left and right to examine. "Thank Artemis, it is you. That little scar on your lip - you tried to eat a stapler when you were two!"

Aza laughed, grinning at Jason. "That's it, huh? You see this scar on my cheek? That's from a Chimera." Jason rolled his eyes and looked down at her. "How was I supposed to know I got this from a stapler?" Thalia was about to continue when Aza stood to her feet, beginning to sway. Gods, without her adrenaline Aza truly felt like crap. "Sorry, uh, obviously super happy you two are reunited," Aza paused, giving the two a genuine smile. "But also, can Phoebe bring me to her tent?"

"By the gods, of course," Thalia rushed. "You and the satyr," Thalia turned to Leo. "take Aza to the entrance, she'll know who to look for. And this girl, too," she motioned towards Piper, still sitting on the floor with chattering teeth.

"It's cold out there," Gleeson complained. "I'll freeze my horns off."

"But Gleeson," it was easy for Aza to make a noise of pain as she persuaded him, "I think I need you to come with. I'll need my protector while I recover."

Gleeson's chest puffed out considerably, and he gave the girl a satisfied smile. "Well, of course, if you need me, I'll gladly protect you, cupcake." Gleeson moved towards Piper, picking the girl up and beginning to carry her towards the entrance whilst Leo put his arm under Aza's, helping her limp after the satyr.

"Actually, man, could you, um, stick around?" Jason called. Leo turned around, Aza in tow, and the two of them understood the pleading in Jason's eyes - he needed support, for someone else there whilst he met his sister.

Leo opened his mouth, surely to agree, but he hesitated, shooting a glance towards Aza. She groaned in annoyance and waved her hand in the air in dismissal. "I'll be fine," she said quietly to the boy, giving him the best smile she could muster now that the pain was beginning to truly seep in. She slipped out from his support and shuffled towards the cave exit, forcing herself to walk as well as she could. If Aza so much as tripped on a stick on the ground, she knew the children of Zeus - and Leo - would abandon the conversation for a later day and prioritize her. And Aza refused to let that happen.

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