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μ. zelophobia - fear of jealousy

"Wait," Jason shook his head. "Your Jason. Do you mean the original Jason? The Golden Fleece guy?" The blonde was clearly confused - his jaw dropped open slightly and his eyebrows shot up, practically buried under his hairline.

"Of course," Zethes said, nodding his head. He seemed surprised that Jason didn't believe him, and spoke in a tone like he was explaining it to a young child. "We were his cremates aboard his ship, the Argo, in the old times, when we were mortal demigods like you. Then we accepted immortality to serve out father, so I could look good for all time, and my silly brother could enjoy pizza and hockey."

"Hockey!" Calais exclaimed, nodding his head enthusiastically.

"But Jason," Zethes continued, shaking his head sadly. "our Jason, he died a mortal death. You can't be him.

"I'm not," Jason agreed, nodding. Calais offered, "So, destroy?" It was clear he wasn't following the conversation very well, because he went back to his favorite conversation topic - destroying demigods. Aza shook her head and said, "I'd prefer you not, if possible."

"I agree with the pretty lady," Zethes said regretfully, as if nothing would give him more pleasure than destroying them. "If he is a son of Zeus, he could be the one we've been watching for."

"Watching for?" Leo asked, his eyebrows shooting up. Aza watched as his hands began to fumble with the bottom of his shirt as he became nervous. "You mean like in a good way: you'll shower him with fabulous prizes? Or watching like in a bad way: he's in trouble."

"That depends on my father's will." Aza was confused as to why Zethes' voice had suddenly raised an octave and sounded far more feminine, but she soon realized it was because of the girl who had entered the room. She stood at the top of the staircase, dressed in an elegant white silk dress that hugged her body. Her skin was unnaturally pale, the color of snow, and blended in with her dress so well that it almost looked as though she weren't wearing anything. Her hair was a lush mane of black that fell down her back and shoulders in wild, thick curls, and her eyes were a coffee brown. She focused on the four demigods with no expression, nor smile, nor any hint of friendliness. It was instead as though they were specimen under a microscope that she were examining. Her nose curled slightly in distaste as her eyes fell upon the group, and Aza rolled her eyes, tilting her head in an almost baiting manner - she already hated this ice princess. But she had to admit, she was beautiful.

"Father will want to see the one called Jason," the girl said. Her voice was haughty and cold, showing no emotion. It sent shivers down Aza's spine, like she had suddenly been dunked in an ice bucket. She absolutely hated it, and yet was enthralled by it.

"Then it is him?" Zethes asked excitedly, whirling around to look at Jason. The girl rolled her coffee brown eyes and said, "We'll see. Zethes, bring our guests." Aza didn't trust her, nor Zethes or Calais, but especially not the Ice Princess. She seemed like too much of a threat for Aza to be comfortable, especially if the daughter of Phobos would have to protect three new demigods. Leo reached for his bronze suitcase, but the girl shot him an ice cold look, and he froze instantly in his spot.

"Not you, Leo Valdez." Leo looked like a kicked puppy and he whined, "Why not?"

"You cannot be in the presence of my father," the Ice Princess said, licking her pale lips. "Fire and ice - it would not be wise."

"Not for you," Aza spoke, drawing the Ice Princesses attention to her. "But for us."

The Ice Princess' lip curled into a sneer, and she regarded Aza as though she were scum under her foot. "Yes, Aza-Everett Malin. But what is not wise for us is not wise for you. I don't believe you would like to pose a threat to my father, yes?"

Aza's teeth clenched, but she stayed silent. She knew Ice Princess was right - posing a threat to Boreas would be highly unwise. It seemed victory enough for Ice Princess because her sneer turned into a smirk and she said, "That is what I thought." Aza clenched her jaw, but stayed silent none-the-less.

Jason protested, however. "We're going together," He put a hand on Leo's shoulder. "or not at all."

Ice Princess tilted her head, and her dark brow raised. "He will not be harmed, Jason Grace, unless you make trouble. Calais, keep Leo Valdez here. Guard him, but do not kill him."

Cal pouted, like his hockey match had just been canceled. "Just a little?"

"No," Ice Princess insisted. "And take care of his interesting suitcase, until Father passes judgement."

Aza turned to Leo, silently asking him if he wanted to stay and have them continue on without him, or put up a fight. She knew a fight wouldn't end too well, but should Leo wish them to put up a fight, she would've gone down fighting. Leo hesitated, like he was seriously continuing a fight, but he soon shook his head. "It's fine, guys. No sense causing trouble if we don't have to. You go ahead."

"Listen to your friend," Ice Princess said, looking victorious. "Leo Valdez will be perfectly safe. I wish I could say the same for you, son of Zeus. Now come, King Boreas is waiting."

Every bone and muscle in Aza's body hesitated, screaming 'DANGER!' She knew there was no way this would go well, but she had no choice, instead choosing to follow after Jason and Piper, leaving Leo behind with Cal. The three demigods, led by Ice Princess, climbed down the icy staircase. Aza, who stood slightly behind Jason and Piper, had the pleasure of Zethes sticking his sharp sword in her back.

"Ow, Zethes!" Aza hissed after he accidentally prodded her a bit too hard, surely drawing blood. "Watch where you're pointing that thing!" She turned around, sending him a harsh glare. Zethes looked into her russet eyes and whimpered, suddenly finding the floor very interesting, but he relaxed the pressure on his sword. Using her gaze on enemies was the only time Aza actually appreciated her eyes.

Aza watched as Jason took Piper's hand for reassurance. The daughter of Aphrodite raised her eyebrows, but didn't let go nor protest. "It'll be fine. Just a talk, right?" At the top of the stairs, Ice Princess looked back. Her smile faded, and Aza watched with shock as Jason and Piper's hands started smoking with frost. The two pulled apart as Ice Princess said, "Warmth is not a good idea here, especially when I am your best chance of staying alive. Please, this way."

Aza scoffed; the last thing they needed was a jealous goddess. Jason looked like he wanted to argue back, but Aza quickly kicked the back of his shin and whispered, "Don't make her mad. Play her game - at least for now." He looked confused, but heeded her words and continued walking down a massive hallway. At the end, the group found themselves in front of massive oaken doors carved with a map of the world. In each corner was a man's bearded face, blowing wind. She had seen versions before - typically each man was different, but in this all of the wind were the Winter winds, blowing snow and ice from every corner. Ice Princess turned, and her eyes glittered. "This is the throne room. Be on your best behavior, demigods," Ice Princess shot Aza a pointed look. "My father can be... chilly. I will translate for you, and try to encourage him to hear you out. I do hope he spares you. We could have such fun."

Aza had a feeling that her definition of fun was far different. "Um, okay," Jason managed, his voice cracking slightly. "But really, we're just here for a little talk. We'll be leaving right afterward."

"Yeah, yeah," Aza agreed. "Just a small talk."

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