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 ν. Chionophobia - fear of snow

Aza was hesitant about leaving Leo alone with Cal, who seemed particularly eager to use his nasty-looking sword on the small elfish boy, but she assured herself that Leo would be able to protect himself. Or, rather, that the Boreads would keep their promise and that Leo would be safe until Jason, Piper or Aza screwed up and pissed off a couple of icy gods.

Besides, she assured herself, Cal was probably the least deadly being in the ice castle - Aza, Jason and Piper included. He seemed dumber than her half-uncles, and that was saying something considering Sherman Yang once stuck fork in a toaster - twice (apparently not having learned the first time).

Zethes stayed behind the three demi-gods as they climbed the icy staircase, and Aza found herself praying that she didn't slip and fall - one slight skid of her combat boots on the ice and Zethes' pointed sword would find a new home between Aza's shoulder blades.

Besides, she was practically rooted to the spot every time the Ice Princess turned to gift Aza and her companions with her cool smile, revealing a pair of brilliant and pearly white teeth that glistened like freshly lain snow. There was no warmth in her smile, however - Aza got the chilling impression that it was like a Hyena's icky smile and haughty laughter before they sink their teeth into helpless prey. As the granddaughter of Ares, Aza far preferred to be on the offense, and now she felt as though she were so far in defense there was no way of digging herself out. They were screwed, so utterly screwed should anything bad happen. Though Aza had no doubt that he was naturally more powerful than a Tyrannosaurus rex on steroids, she had no idea how harnessed his powers were - did he even know the extent of them? Could he control it, even, or would one wrong move shock she and Piper? Besides, she had no idea how good he was at hand-to-hand. Sure, he had a flashy sword-javelin, but how useful would he be in a real fight? And Piper, well, Aza wasn't quite sure what to think of her. She had a way with words, yes, but how useful would that be once the situation had fully escalated past words? Could she use that shiny new dagger to defend herself? Or would Aza be the one to hold her own and keep her companions safe.

Seeing his children made Aza worry to meet Boreas himself; she'd met her fair share of gods, and most of them wanted to kill her (including her own grandfather, but that was besides the point and was something she had often complained about to Chiron and Mr. D). He was the friendliest of the wind gods, but that was like saying a hammerhead is the friendliest of sharks. 

"I love heroes," the Ice Princess purred, her lips curling into a feline smile, her eyes glinting with a sort of malice that Aza had only seen mirrored in the eyes of her half-uncles. 

"Well, how about you enlighten us?" Piper sniffed, her right hand falling to the handle of Katropis in a threatening manner, as though reminding the goddess that the demigods were capable of defending themselves (which Aza was not too sure). "You say you're going to translate for us, and we don't even know who you are."

Before she could continue, Aza stepped forward, trying her hardest to channel Annabeth's more diplomatic words. "I think Piper is trying to ask your relation to the master of this castle." The Ice Princess's face crinkled in distaste and annoyance. "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised you don't recognize me. Even in the ancient times," she ranted, jaw clenching each time it closed. "the Greeks did not know me well. Their island homes were too warm, too far from my domain. I am Khione, daughter of Boreas, goddess of snow." Her words were articulated as sharply as an icicle; it was clear she had eons of pent up anger from not being worshiped like the other deities. She raised her right hand and swirled her index finger, causing a flurry of snowflakes to swirl around her wrist and float gently to the floor. 

"Now come," Khione ordered as the oaken doors blew open, as though by a gentle breeze. "Hopefully you will survive your little talk."

"Well, on that vote of confidence," Aza muttered sarcastically. Jason and Piper looked back to her, eyebrows widened in alarm that their most experienced member wasn't particularly confident about their meeting with Boreas. Aza quickly gave them a small smile and reassured, "Everything'll be fine. It can't possibly be the worst meeting with a god that I've had."

The throne room was ice cold; mist hung in the air, and Aza could see her breath freeze in the air as it expelled from her lips. The walls were decorated with rich purple tapestries depicting snowy forests, mountains and glaciers. In the lofty ceiling tens of feet above their heads, the Aurora Borealis shifted and pulsed. Aza walked carefully forwards, strategically stepping to avoid slipping in the thin layer of snow that covered the floor. Across the walls, ice sculptures proudly stood, donning Greek armor, medieval knight suits and even modern cammoflauge. They posed in offensive positions, brandishing their swords, lances and guns. 

Aza was surprised when Jason tried to walk between two of the Greek statues, when they snapped to life and crossed their javelins to block him. 

A cold, deep voice rang in a rich language that sounded vaguely like French to Aza. She couldn't see who had spoken, but the guards uncrossed their weaponry. 

"It's fine," Khione gave them a chilling smile. "My father has ordered them not to kill you just yet."

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