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σ. traumatophobia - fear of injury

Jason returned only moments later, carrying an old piece of wood. gauze, duct tape and a smock. He spread the supplies on the floor next to him, gently holding Aza's arm. She groaned as he lifted it, sliding the wood beneath it.

"I think my shoulder's dislocated," She said through clenched teeth. Jason nodded wordlessly and shuffled behind her. He gently lifted her, propping her up against his chest awkwardly.

"This is gonna hurt," He warned, finger combing her hair away from her left shoulder and brushing it over her right. Aza nodded and tilted her head to look into his eyes.

"Do you remember how to do this?" She questioned, clenching her teeth as he shifted her once more. Pain shot through her arm and shoulder like a jolt of electricity, causing the muscles in her body to seize and spasm momentarily.

"Of course," Jason reassured, but it was painfully obvious to both of them that he was lying. He gave her what she assumed was supposed to be a reassuring smile, but it instead looked like he was the one in pain. Aza nodded, biting down on her lower lip so much that small beads of blood began to trickle down, gently wetting her chin.

"So, Jason said as he examined her shoulder. "what's up with your eyes."

Aza rolled her russet-colored eyes and sighed. "Don't we have bigger things to be worrying about? My shoulder, for example?"

A small smile tugged at Jason's lips. "I'm trying to distract you," he teased her gently. "Now tell me, Aza-Everett, what's up with your eyes?"

Aza sighed. "So my father is Phobos, the god of fear. His father is Ares, god of war. Ares has these... eyes that are... well, I don't even know how to describe them honestly. When you look into them, all you see is scenes of war and destruction," Aza shivered gently, remembering the time she had looked into the god's eyes. "My father has the same thing, except when you look into his eyes you see your biggest fear. I inherited them from him."

Jason nodded, preparing to pop her shoulder back into place.

"All I see is a mist," Jason mused. "It's confusing, I don't know what it is. It scares me."

"That's sort of the point - GODS OF OLYMPUS!" Aza yelped when Jason forced her shoulder back into its socket. She shivered, giving a pained moan, but she had to admit her shoulder felt much better.

Jason grinned at her as he shuffled back to kneel beside her left arm, gently lying her back onto the concrete floor. He began preparing his splint as Aza continued, trying to distract herself from the searing pain that came along with her arm being splinted. "I guess cause you lost your memory, your biggest fear is the unknown."

Jason nodded absentmindedly, shrugging his shoulder gently. The silence that followed was mostly comfortable, but there was a hint of insecurity that lingered in the air after talking about Aza's eyes that both could feel, though neither particularly wanted to address it. Aza found talking about her eyes difficult; she knew that they scared everyone, and that no one was completely comfortable with them, and Jason knew that.

"I actually..." He trailed off hesitantly swallowing heavily. "I actually like your eyes, Aza. They're terrifying, absolutely terrifying, but because they're so beautiful."

Aza didn't know how to respond. A blush burned across her face, and her mind raced so quickly that she didn't even comprehend Jason finishing her splint, beginning to wrap the smock to prop up her arm. He reached behind her, his hot breath hitting her cheek lightly as he wrapped the ties of the smock around her neck, fully propping her arm properly.

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